How to achieve your yearly goals in this second half of the year.


Today marks the second half of the year. The month of July kick starts the last 6 months of the year. For most of us, it may seem like we cannot achieve our sey goals for the year but it is possible.
How to achieve your yearly goals in this first half..
1, Review your goals.

Are your goals SMART? Is it simple, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound?
Some people set 5 year goals in one year. That is not smart at all. Buying a lambo can be a great goal in 5 years but in the next six months, you can have a rethink..

2, Break your goals down..

Break it down to months, weeks, days. If you have financial goals, break it down to how much you will need to make daily. Goals are best achieved in bits..

3, Change your strategy.

Yeah, it might not be the goal now. Your goal could be smart but if your strategy for achieving it is wrong, you wont be able to achieve it. So change your strategies. Be more proactive. If the goal is right, don't change the goal, change the approach!


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