Handling Failure and Dissapointment


Ever put in all effort to achieve or do something, but failed like a total looser?
Not all things in this life go as planned, at certain times we are bound to fail and feel dissapointed. There is no successful individual that has not had his own fair share of failure. Whenever you fail, there is a lesson to be learnt, don't just sit around and wallow in dissapointment, Get back up and try again. This may not seem feasible as it's written, so i thought i should write on how to handle failure.


The first step is to accept that failure is a part of life

Now don't get me wrong, I did not say get comfortable with failing. We are bound to fail at a certain thing . failing does not mean it's the end of the road. When you fail, it's an opportunity for reinvention, another opportunity to try a different approach. Life is not a bed of roses as we know, so if yu do fail get up and retry.

Treat your failure as a teacher

We should learn from our previous experience, Learn from your failures. These experiences can be used as a platform to achieving something greater. Look and analyse the reason for your failure. When you realise why you failed, you would be able to plan a better course of action.

Do not imediately begin to doubt yourself

Yes I know how failing at something may be, it's quite annoying, you may begin to feel like you are a failure. But this is not the time to develop self doubt, do not give in to negative thoughts. Failure and Dissapointment is not in anyway unique to you. You are not the first to fail. So instead of doubting yourself, think of how you can do things differently.

Lastly,don't give up

Feel free to ask, yu'd find out that there is no success story without a bit of failure and dissapointment. In order to win and make it Big, you must not quit
We all know the saying that "winner's are not quitters" . If you quit anytime that you are faced with dissapointment, it means you'll never win. We also know the story of Thomas eddison who tried countless times to make a light bulb, he also failed countless times. He did not give up despite the failures, and at the end he achieved success.

Dealing with failure successfully takes perspective, faith and courage. You can be your own motivator. Don't let failure or dissapointment pull you down. When faced with difficult situation, tell yourself " i will get through this"

Image credit: gstatics.com

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