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Stop Gender Biased Approach ! #Supportwoman #developwoman

Inequality in this Society for Women has been prevalent for ages now. This world is a place, where we know Adam and Eve started their journey together. But, why today we see all the Eve's left behind. Why there can’t be equality when a Women manages to take this species ahead. They are the one who give birth to us as a mother. In every phase of our life we need a woman to guide us support us and most importantly take care of us.

After the birth of a kid, the Mother takes care of the kid, in their teen as a sister we find a friend in her. Once we are adults we find a companion and soulmate in our wife. They play an evident part in our life cycle, then why are they neglected. Be it any sphere of the society, a woman is always neglected. They are given reservations in various sphere of society ex. Government Jobs, Corporate sectors, etc. but this is not helping their cause to flourish and develop.

Mostly, society teaches a girl to be dependent upon their male partners. This society is regressive towards woman, a girl child even if it is born, they aren’t allowed to go for studies to school. They are forcibly married at a very young age, which prevent them from enjoying their life. They do not enjoy their teen age instead they start taking responsibility of family chores. These girls aren’t allowed to marry a person of their own choice. Girls are slaughtered in the name of “honor killing”. A girl even if allowed to work do not get wage rate equal to their male counterparts. This issue is there in every working realms of this world, ex. Job, industries, movies, etc. Especially in corporate sector, we have very little organization who have a proper balance of male to female ratio. Moreover, how many women in powerful roles. Women in showbiz industry, are dominated by male counterparts in the name of “trolls”.

This attitude of our society needs to Stop Immediately. Remember, any country can progress if the sex ratio increases. Countries doing well have female population competing against their male counterparts in all sphere of society and doing well. We need to believe in equal opportunity irrespective of gender. We need to encourage girls to study, work, go out and explore. They need to be given all opportunities, only then we can see a successful society. We all know woman are way stronger emotionally and they have all rights to be an equal partner in development of society, country and humanity.

Salute to all the women I know in my life.

A woman.

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