# we must prepare our self.

Training yourself to think positively takes practice! Just like anything else. You need to get into a habit of directing your thoughts as opposed to them directing you. Always remember that YOU are in control. Here are a few things you can start telling yourself each day when you catch yourself being stressed: Today is a good day to have a good day.

  • I'm a warrior. Not a worrier.
  • I am too blessed to be stressed.
  • Life is just testing me and it will make me stronger.
  • Each moment is an opportunity for me to turn things around.
  • I'm a badass and I can handle anything and overcome anything.


As cheesy as it sounds, sometimes you need to keep telling yourself things like this until you truly believe it. Until then, fake it until you make it. You empower yourself by speaking these affirmations and I promise that eventually you will change the way you think and you will be able to handle any stressful situation much better!
Yes much better!
But don’t forget......

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