Positive Environment - The Importance of the people surrounding you

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Positive Environment

You are a product of your environment

Jim Rohn, a famous motivator said "we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with". Wouldn't it be smart then, to have the people around you positive, supportive people who want to succeed? Maybe people with same goals?

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Not everyone is positive

Isn't it fun to be around people we love? people that we enjoy being around, people that support us, people that make you laugh, people that think like you. But... of cause,  there are people who won't support you as much and they won't believe in you, maybe they have negative personality in general. when you tell them about your dreams or what you want/plan to do, they will probably say it's not a good idea and you won't make it.
Let's not blame them, it's not their fault... that's what the environment taught them and they did not have too many people that would motivate them and push them forward. Those people haven't experienced much success in their life, they don't live the life they want and mostly they will have hard time to imagine other people succeed, they can go to an extent of saying it's impossible  and if you tell them about other people who did it they will say that luck played a big part.

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Is it time to ditched your friends?

First, you need some self-awareness and ask your self which people in my life are toxic and which people having a positive impact on my life.  I'm not saying you should cut connection with every friend who is not 100% supportive but I'm saying that you should try to be honest with yourself, maybe there are few people that are just delaying you in your way to success or even blocking you! Maybe you should lessen the time you spend around them if you are unable to make them more positive.

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There are positive People!

The people I mentioned at the beginning of the post, those who support us, those who believe in us, those who you enjoy being with and they will always remind us of our goals ( sometimes you share goals and then it will really become powerful).
Those people, you want around you! an environment that pushes you and you push them back toward your goals. Remember that you are a product of your environment, if your goal is to be successful you should bring more successful people around you! If you want to be a better person you should bring good people around you. If your goals and friends match they will become your life!

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Create a positive environment

How we do it? How to create a positive environment? As I see it there are two options:

1.Make the people around you positive

The first one is to make the people around you more positive, Give the reinforcement, give them feeling of joy, help them get more motivated, celebrate their success with them, encourage them to have positive mindset, reply in a less negative manner and overall create the feeling of fun and before you notice it they will do the same! I would even say that after your relationship will improve through this behavior they will do it with other people without consciously understanding it, they will become positive.

2.Meet new people

The second one is to meet new people, every new person you meet and feel like you could be a positive influence on each other, keep in touch with them! There's no secret here. if you had a good conversation and enjoyed the time together there is no reason you shouldn't meet again. Notice that you meet new people every day, through your friends, your hobbies and everytime you leave your house. And if you don't feel like you meet enough people, you should probably leave your house and start talking to people! Go do sports, go out with friends, do everything that comes to your mind but you can't expect to meet new friends if you are not social.

Remember, people automatically feel more connected to other people that think like them and act like them. Think positive and keep beside you the positive people that like your attitude!

For the summary, I want to end this article with this inspirational video by Robin Sharma:

What is NLP?

"The map is not the territory" - Breaking Down Reality

🙂Thank you for reading!🙂

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