NLP Presuppositions - 12 Rules that can change the way you look at everything

12 Presups of NLP.png

1. The map is not the territory.
Starting off with the most important rule, we are separate from reality!
The map of the world we have in our minds is not the real world.
The map is a metaphor for our belief system, values and principles. Reflecting the way we view the world (our reality). This rule telling us that each person has a different reality, based on the fact that we all have different maps and ways to view the world. Instead of interacting with the world, you interact with your map.

2. People work perfectly.
People are not broken, therefore they need no repair. people function perfectly, even if the results are counter productive or harm them. All behavior has a structure, When you change the method of action you can change the outcome to something more desirable.

3. People always make the best choice for them at any given time.
Every behavior, whether it's evil, weird or crazy is the best choice for this person in that moment. If given to a person a better choice (which fit his model of the world), he would make use of it. You can add choices to change a person's behavior. When you take away choices, other compensating behaviors can occur.

4. People have all the resources they need.
By resources, I mean the internal responses and behaviors we need to get the desired response. Different people have different dreams and people have all the resources they need to achieve their goals and desired results. This does not mean they will succeed, only that they have the needed potential to do so! success determined by action taken. Maybe you know someone who is charismatic and alpha in a group but can't show leadership at work?

5. The meaning of communication is the response you get.
Also one of the most important rules of NLP. This assumption forcing you to take full responsibility for the results of your communication.
If you don't like the result you need to change the way you communicated. Each person acts according to his own map and if you only use your own map in the communication with other people... probably you won't get the results you want to get. You should remember that you are not communicating to hear yourself speak! you want to get a certain response.
(Both verbal and non-verbal behaviors trigger responses in others.)

6. Every behavior has a positive intent in some context.
I call it "The principle of positive intent", there's a positive intent lies within every behavior. This assumption separates the person from the action. Someone can be terrified of speaking in front of an audience, the fear positive intent is probably to protect the person, prevent failure or making fool of himself. But the fear does not fit the situation since there's no actual risk for his life.

7. You cannot not communicate.
Even when we say nothing, the mind affects the body and our body language will communicate the message. Even the absence of a response is information. For instance, when someone stops talking suddenly or becomes quiet.

8. Mind and body are connected.
There's an inseparable connection between the mind and the body, each affects the other and they form a system. For example, we can observe hand movements and see the process of thinking and pulling out information in the brain. Things like the speech, tempo and breathing rate influenced by the psychological state of a person. Just like the mind affects the body, behaviors can influance your psychological state!

9. If one person can do it, you can learn how to do it
This assumption is simple, if any one in the world producing a certain result, you also, with the same thinking, information and set of actions/behaviors can learn how to do it and produce a similar result.

10. There is no failure, only feedback.
Every result gives you information, maybe about how to do something different in the future or what you should not do?
If you accept this assumption then your attitude toward "failure" will produce more positive results in the future! You can take something positive from every experience.

11. The person and the behavior are separated
When you were babies you cried a lot, does this mean you are a crybaby now? We are not our behaviors and that means you can change your behavior if you want!
This of yourself not as arts, but an artist who can create any art to his Contentment.

12. Flexibility is power.
The person or element with the most flexibility in a system will have the most influence. The more mind flexibility a person has he will open up to more options, therefore his ability to change himself and influence will be bigger. More flexibility means being more open minded trying new things that can lead you to your goals and results you want.

These presuppositions are beliefs that NLP is built upon. They are not necessarily absolute truth, but they can produce possitive results for anyone. I think each one of us has the obligation for ourselves to try thinking this way and see if it actually does bring results!

What is NLP?

🙂Thank you for reading!🙂

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