Let's Keep Creating! 📝 Coming back after a long time away.

Hi there, hivers!🌻

I hope that you all are doing fine in these strange times we’re going through.

It's been quite a while since the last time I wrote a post for my blog, and a lot of things have happened (to me and to the world) since then, I could almost say that it's a new Paola typing this right now. But thanks to that fact, I have many more crazy stories to tell, pictures to show and thoughts to let out!✨

I think this is my first post properly on hive, so I've been searching around the internet for all the new info I can possibly get, and of course, I would really appreciate if any of you, dear readers, wants to join in and help me out with your tips on any subject you believe could be useful to feel at home in here.

I look forward to get the hang of it again, and to discover amazing content on this platform. But at the same time, I'm keen to get back at writing and sharing my point of view in life, because there's nothing like coming back to your own words after the time has passed, it's like visiting the past everytime you read your old self, and that, for me, it's a great way to be aware of how much you've grown and changed through time. And after all, isn't that what we all want? To evolve and keep learning everyday.

Ok🤚, let’s pause it right there, I got a little too deep, I know.
If this is the first time you read one of my posts, I kindly invite you to check out my adventures that are already published, I promise you at least a couple of great photos of the outdoors! And if you like them, or this post in particular, don’t be afraid to leave me a comment!

Let’s keep creating and see you soon!👋

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