Changing the World One Donation at a Time: Helping Those in Need in Venezuela with Steem!


My mother, @cristinamoronta, has always been the first person to lend a helping hand to someone in need. In the Dominican Republic, every year she holds a food drive, in which she makes boxes of essential foods and hands them out to anyone who comes her way. It's quite honorable, and I have always admired her for that. When she first joined steemit, she instantly made a friend and her name is @perlanacarada. She then spoke to my mother and expressed that the elders of her community in which she does social work for, are suffering. Instantly my mother donated everything she had in her SBD wallet, which amounted to $75 USD, to send over to these people in need. With this donation they were able to buy food and groceries.



You can find the heartfelt post thanking my mother here.

I have since then joined my mother in making donations to these people who are very appreciated of our much needed help. I have honestly been feeling overwhelmed with the amounts of thank you's I have received not only from @perlanacarada and the grandparents of the Santo Domingo asylum in Venezuela. Ever since I have made this donation, I have been feeling blessed. They have been seeing so many prayers in my family way, and for that I will always be grateful and thankful for. I also realized how AMAZING the steem block chain is, and how it can unite us together and help those in need.


These were the groceries bought for everyone with my most recent donation of 50 SBD.

I would love for you guys to join me in this cause and help those who need it by upvoting this post, following @perlanacarada and checking out her content. All proceeds will be donated to this amazing community, as you can see even a small donation can go VERY far!

Love ♥️

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