On simplicity and minimalism --- The benefits of living a simple life.

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We are in the age of serious advances in technology. And somehow, It seems as though everything and everyone are in a competition to out the other, an life is about how bright we can shine or how faster we can go. By becoming busy bees, we have missed out on a lot of some cool and interesting things that surround us on a daily basis. it's all noise and junk.

However, by practicing minimalism, we own fewer unimportant things, and get rid of all of the unnecessary clutter. We open up to the light and beauty that our own lives have to offer instead of looking elsewhere. we look within.

Oftentimes, when people think of the term "simple living", they dont really go deep into the subject. we think of it as simply being Minimalistic and simple. we envision decluttering and donating, we celebrate organized computer desktops, clear countertops, fewer to-do lists, etc... But is that really the only way to interprete that?

Turns out that in life, the best part of things isn't always visible, and could somehow seem a bit unclear and bleak until experienced. However, once it is realized, it is very surreal...

Tonight, in the spirit of simplicity, i'll be talking on some of the life-changing benefits of decluttering and simple living.

The Benefits of Simple living.

Source: pexels.com

We get to love and listen to ourselves more


Source: pexels.com

When we cut back on some of the numerous commitments and obligations we that we have, and take the time to eliminate some common stressors like unproductive jobs, debts, hurtful relationships etc, it affords the time to love ourselves better, and pay better attention to our needs and wants. There's more time for a nap or writing and being artistic.

Good decision making. Under-reacting.

Source: pexels.com

With simplicity comes clarity and good decisions. when things are a bit too fast paced and busy, it's pretty easy to get lost in a reactionary lifestyle. there's no time to consider responses, hence we sometimes say things we do not mean, exaggerate and blow things way outta proportion. With a decluttered and simple lifestyle, however, there's this calmness and peace of mind. and yes, good decisions too.

Simplicity helps build better relationships.


Source: pexels.com

A large amount of people worldwide are very much glued to their computer screens all day. They hardly have time for a more personal relationship with people. Isn't it true? We'd rather spend time on the internet rather than have a cup 'o coffee with an old friend. Our minds are full of digital information and it gets very difficult to really connect with anyone even in the simplest of conversations. Unplugging and taking some time out however, gives us the time to listen and engage with people.

Freedom and focus.

Source: pexels.com

When we aren't tied to too much stuff or having that crappy feeling of being terrible by trying too hard to measure up to someone else, it makes us free to be exactly who we are, helps us make decisions that we think is the best for us, and maximize opportunities in our own unique ways.

Benevolence and assistance.


Source: pexels.com

One remarkable thing about simple living and decluttering is that we tend to reach out more to people who might be in need. we free up more resources and become more caring, loving and giving. Our lives become simple to understand.

Hope and opportunities.

Source: pexels.com

A simple life is a hopeful life.

By living a life of simplicity, Our goals become very much clearer, we save up extra money in our accounts, we become open minded and a bit more open to new opportunities, experiences and possibilities... The list could be endless. Simple living is Salt!

Simple living is healthy living.

Source: pexels.com

As the very popular three-word liner goes;

Health is wealth

This saying is very true, and it's not just about a change in diet or some fitness regime, but also in simplicity. If you should think about it for a minute, You're ungripped and less stressed about a lot of things. with all that uncomplicatedness comes peace of mind, a lower blood pressure and rest. You're free, healthy and wealthy.

As outlined above, we could see that the benefits are indeed rewarding and cool. Let's try buying an item less, keeping a simpler space with lesser unimportant items, let us relax a bit more, and connect with others more on daily basis. let us be here, now.


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