#introduceyourself - My Steemit Journey Starts now

Hey there all you cool steemit team and members. I heard about steemit from one of my colleagues and I found this really cool, I mean isn't it amazing to tell your story to the world and earn from it as well? It's absolutely something every person would love. So I joined this yesterday and had no idea where to start but thankfully found these #introduceyourself article, read few and now I know how people go about starting their journey here but I honestly I suck at introduction, I can start a conversation from hello but after the hey and hi, I act like a lost sheep but I promise, I'll try my best here. :)

For starters, I'm Palwasha Bhatti, just completed my Bachelors in computer sciences last year and working as a live chat representative. And this is me! Hehe.

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I have different sides of my personality and I simply love all of them!
The crazy side, the fighter side, the weirdo and annoyed person side, the always ready for new challenges side and ofcourse, the cook side.

                                     The Crazy side

Well I am one of those friends who went to Egypt with my best friends because she had to visit Estonian Embassy (Would love to tell the complete story later :P). I am that sister who would wake her brother up at 2 am and tell him to get ready so we can go out for food. I am that aunty who would scream with her niece on top of her voice because I know this will make my niece happy, I am daughter who would ask her dad to stop everything he's doing and tell her if she's looking okay for the night out with friends. That doesn't sound much crazy? Not yet but I'm sure you will think I'm crazy when you know me. :D

                                     The Fighter Side

Well I may be a good person but if you nag me, I will not leave any point to make you realize what you did wrong. Sounds cruel? No not really, life is all about give and take, Right? Why not fight back and take what we want. ;)

                                     The Weirdo

I may sound a shady person here but I like sitting alone for hours, quite and not doing anything but breathing. Sometime I just forget to eat anything at all, it's not like I diet or do it by choice, but I simply forget to eat until someone asks me, what did you eat? And I stare them and say, nothing! :D

                                     The annoyed one

Ever heard of 'Born annoyed' ? Well that's the term made for me I guess! I shared I like sitting alone for hours and did I not mention I ask people not talk to me at all? Ha ha, I literary do that. Sorry people , I love you, I adore you but sometime I need me, I need that 'me time' you call it?. My point of sharing this is just to make you realize that it's okay to stay alone sometimes, it's actually very healthy. :)

                                     The Cook

I used to make egg for myself when I was 6, that's how much I love cooking! People always ask me, what do you do when you have free time and my answer is always the same, 'I cook'. I love trying new dishes, I love making food for my family, friends and sometimes my colleagues too. Cooking is my boy friend. :P

I don't know if people like me or not but that's the least I care about, all I care about is my family, friends I love and I care about the things that make me happy. Whatever it is people, smiles away the pain, be crazy, be stupid, be silly, be weird, be whatever because life is too short to be anything but happy. :)

I can't wait to write again, till then ciao adios!

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