Set High Goals. Reflections For The Soul


A teacher wanted to teach a special lesson to his students, and for this he gave them the opportunity to choose between three exams: one of fifty questions, one of forty and one of thirty.

Those who chose the thirty put a "C" to them, regardless of whether they had answered all the questions correctly.

Those who chose the 40 the assigned a "B" to them, even though more than half of the answers were wrong.

And those who chose the one of fifty put an "A" to them, although they had been wrong in almost all the answers.

As the students understood nothing, the teacher explained: "Dear students, let me tell you that I was not examining your knowledge, but your willingness to aim high."


When we aim high, we are closer to our dreams than if we conform to small goals.

Jaime Lopera & Marta Bernal

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