Look at the obstacles. Reflections for the soul

A well-known Hindu teacher, Osho, said that our way of thinking freezes and we always walk the same paths, because the mind is fixed to the things we think. Nowadays this phenomenon is known like "Paradigm".

Image courtesy: equipodelideres.com

Osho gave an example. Imagine that we are cycling along a road: the fresh air striking our faces; the trees, the clouds, the nature, the birds, the distant mountains ... Imagine that suddenly we see a big stone in the middle of the road. If we set all our attention on the stone - that is, on the obstacle - even if it occupies only a brief space on the road, we will end up colliding with it.

Let us think how many times we discover an obstacle in the road and, assuming it as the only thing, we make all the other options disappear (the trees, the clouds, the rest of the way), directing us irremediably towards him, towards the stone.

Jaime Lopera & Marta Bernal
2012 - 2017

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