Word For The Week- Regrets


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Regrets are serious burdens on the mind. The state of the mind at any Point in time affects body psycho and gestures. Many a time, we have our mind locked up in regrets over some actions or in-actions. May be some things you have done or those you should have done are making you feel some regrets. Such feelings can be dangerous because they will lead to the slowing down of your activities.

Harbouring regrets can overturn happiness, excitement and smiles within a twinkle of the eye then sadness, moodiness and frowns set in. the aftermath could be inimical to progress and the future. They are very similar to the heavy load on the head which retards speed and makes destinations very distant.

So get rid of regret your life today. Get rid of anything that is not useful, helpful and joyful. So let the past remain in the past. Remember life is too short for regret.


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