Almost everyone these days says somethings like:

You deserve a good life.
You deserve a nice job.
You deserve someone who loves you.
You deserve better than this.
Im prettier than X yet she's ...
Im smarter than Y but he's ...
I work harder than Z and I'm still ...
just because you work hard doesn't mean you should get good grades.
just because you're pretty doesn't mean someone should love you.
just because you're smart doesn't mean people should listen to you and take you seriously.
Many people suck, they are too bad and there is nothing you can do to make them better, this is a fact. But the world is also filled with starving artists even though their art is good, single people even though they are pretty/smart/nice, unemployed nerds even though their IQ is over 140. You don't deserve good things just because you're good. This is called entitlement, and it's one of the most toxic qualities a person can have. Because it makes you blame things and people instead of focusing on improving so that you become closer to the thing that you "deserve". Life isn't fair, get used to it.


Everyone should focus on improving themselves and getting better instead of focusing on other people, whether blaming them or envying them. If you want something you go get it. Or try to get it I should say. Because even if you do your best and go all out there is still a big chance that you might fail. There is something out there, call it fate or luck or karma, It doesn't matter. All that matters is that it's out there, and it's real.

if you want to live you must learn how to let go

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