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Do you feel cheated in your friendship with someone?

Do you feel that you are getting less than you truly deserve in the friendship?

Do you wonder if he/she is truly a friend?

Have you always been the soft one? Always trying to fix it?

These are questions we often ask ourselves when we're faced with doubts about our friendship with another.

This must not necessarily be the opposite sex friendship.
As friends of same gender, we at times feel, you've sacrificed too much to sustain the friendship.
Then you ask, if he/she really deserves to be called a friend.

Now the question:

Is there any sacrifice to much for friendship?

I leave you to answer this question.

Friendship is supposed to be have a mutual feeling. It sucks when one party is so passionate about it while the other isn't.

It causes problems, anger, hate and finally breakup.

How is your friendship with others?

Are you carefree about it?

Do you attach importance to it?

Friendship can be an awesome experience when done the right way.

  • Build you friendship on the right foundation.
  • In friendship, never start what you know you won't sustain.
  • Have value for you friends.

Make new friends today.
*Call a friend today.
Visit a friend today.

Thanks for being my friend.

I love you all with passion.

Much love from @otybest


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