Unite our gifts and respect our talents !! Lets Fly Together

For the elderly and the shamans of indigenous cultures, who live throughout the South American subcontinent, we are entering the cycle of the fifth Pachakuti (a Pachakuti is a 500-year cycle).

According to the traditions, in this third millennium the great meeting will take place between the people who belong to the Eagle and the people who belong to the Condor. It will be a collaborative alliance that will save humanity.


The prophecy relates that at the beginning of human life all human beings formed a single group. With the passage of time they were divided into two groups. Each group followed a very different path in its development. The people of the Eagle were highly intellectual and oriented towards science. The people of the Condor were strongly intuitive and focused their life on harmonizing with nature.

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In the fifth Pachakuti (in this third millennium), the people of the Eagle will have developed a high sense of aesthetics and their cognitive abilities.
Your ability to design and build will be amazing. It will reach the zenith in scientific and technological knowledge. The enormous deployment of their technologies will create such amazing technological miracles that they will expand their minds.
These achievements will generate immense material wealth for the leaders of your group. However, your "Achilles heel" will be found in the spiritual emptiness that will surround your lives. Its existence will be in danger.

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The people of the Condor, the people of the heart, of the spirit, of the senses, of a deep connection with the natural world, will develop their intuitive abilities. The people of the Condor will reach a powerful zenith in the wisdom of their ancestors.

You will know clearly the cycles of the Earth and will be able to relate to the spirits of the animal and vegetable kingdom. However, he will not know how to perform satisfactorily in the material world of the eagle with whom he will feel at a disadvantage. That will be your biggest risk. The inability to interact with the material world will jeopardize its existence.

It is clear that Western culture is the people of the Eagle, and the indigenous cultures of the world are the people of the Condor. The prophecy reminds us that both groups come from a common origin and must integrate their knowledge to enrich each other. If the eagle and the condor fly together again, wing with wing, the world will find its balance again.

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Neither the eagles nor the condors can survive alone. The alchemy of mutual collaboration is necessary. From this meeting will emerge a new awareness in the human being that will honor the people of the eagle for their admirable achievements in the rational field. And he will honor the people of the Condor for his deep wisdom of the heart. Together they can solve the world's crises and bring to life a sustainable future for all. (ALGOSHARE @sharonomics xD)
It is said that in the beginning, the God of Time created the Sun and the Moon, and with them were born the Eagle and the Condor, with such force that the Eagle and the Condor caused North America and South America to unite forming America. Central. From these lands came the first nations, passing many difficult moments, including the worst, the division of nations in four directions.

After the division appeared the Prophecies that seek to teach the nations the ways for their liberation and unification. One of these prophecies speaks of the day in which the union of the tears that spring (from the hearts) of the Eagle and the Condor, will heal the wounds and fortify the spirits, the bodies and the minds of the First Peoples. The warriors (of the Light) will repel the swords of the enemies and will end the oppression, the exploitation and the injustice (vices of third dimension) in the name of the Freedom.

The Condor and the Eagle will fly together in the World Center
"... And there will come a day when the eagle and the condor will fly together." This was the message that our grandparents from the North and South gave us. The message of our grandparents is a mandate in these times.

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