Pursue Your Dreams: Life is short to be little!


We have lots of dreams and things we want to accomplish but somehow we are holding back. Excuses has its own way entering the door of our thoughts until we drop our defenses and surrender to fear. Do you think it's time to stop thinking and start doing?

We attended a fellowship for youngsters last Sunday and inspired with their theme "Pursue". It is overwhelming witnessing this young fellows being guided spiritually how to pursue their dreams.


I am moved behind the message and it is not only applicable to youngsters but it is for all. Sometimes, we are stuck with Inaction and delaying what should be done. Ignoring the screaming voices within and still taking the safe side of the road. We should have faith in ourselves to take a leap and start facing our fears one at a time. Living in fear is not far from not living at all. Unwrap the gift and show the world what you've got!

The message has three (3) points to pursue our dreams:

  1. Focus
    Knowing what you really want and plan how to get there.

  2. Have Courage
    Take the leap of faith. It is the key to unlock possibilities.

  3. Get out from the comfort zone
    Widen your horizon and do what needs to be done.


I believe we all want to pursue our dreams, I don't think someone wanted to live in poverty or celebrating the misfortunes of life. We all want to live the life we truly dreamed of. At the end of the day, no one can motivate us if not our own selves. If its not you... who? If its not now when?

Five years from now would you look back and regret not taking the risk? or will you be proud of yourself you face the fears and pursue your dreams?

May all your dreams come true,

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