Donald Trump and the Great American Solar Eclipse ~ An Astrological Analysis

Donald Trump's chart is dramatically highlighted by the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse.


The August 21 eclipse falls on Mr. Trump’s Mars

Look to the red circle you see there in the photo, the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse at 28 degrees 52 seconds Leo, is conjunct Mr. Trump's Mars at 26 degrees 46 seconds Leo, just above his ascendant. Even though this falls in Mr. Trump's 12th house (the house of "un-doing."), we would say say that the solar eclipse is also conjunct Mr. Trump's ascendent, as the "orb" or degree of "exactness" is slight. And it falls on Mr. Trump's Mars. What is Mars? Anger, aggression, and action. Yikes, the deadly three masculine traits. (Right?)

What does this mean?

It means that this solar eclipse will effect a change in Mr. Trump's personal and public appearances, and furthermore, or one could say, for the WORSE, especially if Mr. Trump responds unfavorably to current events that will unfold over the eclipse days.

Simultaneously during the solar eclipse, Saturn falls on Trump's natal lunar eclipse

Saturn is the planet we call "Father Time." You know where the world demands accountability from us. It is the planet that asks, "How you gonna pay for that, baby?" The planet that represents, where the world says, "NO"!!!
Having a Saturn perigee fall on your natal (eclipsed) Moon is not a cheerful prospect. One might well call it ominous.
For instance, the most recent violent and deadly Charolette, North Carolina white supremacy rally. Is there an eminent civil war in the Great United States of America?
These are heavy and serious challenges that Mr. Trump must manage in the current days of the Great American Solar eclipse.

A glance at the headlines of late seems headed in an ominous direction for the President since around the time of the June 15 Sun-Saturn opposition on his natal lunar eclipse. Starting a day before, June 14, 2017 brought an armed assault on a GOP baseball practice session, which left the shooter dead and four people wounded. Almost daily, ever since, President Trump seems to be digging an ever deeper hole for himself, in terms of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US election (with an alleged assist from Trump and/or his associates). And now with the United States on the tittering on the brinks of a war with North Korea, places a huge threat of the safety of the entire world.


Saturn’s June transit across Mr. Trump’s natal Moon at the very least indicates a (further) loss of popular support.

Saturn comes back into focus with the solar eclipse of August 21, so there’s more to this story.The Sun-Saturn opposition at 24° Gemini-Sagittarius on June 15 marked Saturn's closest approach to Earth this year. It’s a time for "chickens coming home to roost"; for slowing down, taking responsibility and owning up.

President Trump’s prospects are not encouraging for him – personally as well as politically

In the current highly polarized political atmosphere, half the US population (at least) are hoping that Mr. Trump’s removal from office is imminent. (((Not so fast! President Nixon’s resignation occurred on August 9, 1974 – some two years and two months after the break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate Hotel. And that was with the Democrats controlling Congress.)))

For Donald Trump a rapid exit could follow

From a mishap which befalls him or some rash, erratic and dangerous act on Mr. Trump’s part. It’s too early for a major war. But posturing, threats, wagging the dog and surgical strikes, on the other hand, fit the scenario.

Given that war and peace hang in the balance over Korea even in the best of times, rash action can easily spin out of control

We can be sure that the infamous 'Trump petulance' will raise its ugly head around eclipse time. The fact that Mr. Trump’s natal Mars horizon line arcs from Washington DC across North Korea is noteworthy. Born under Mars rising, Mr. Trump is widely known for his belligerence, for going on the offensive when he feels threatened, for bullying his way through adversity. Those lifelong traits are especially dangerous now that he is Commander in Chief, particularly under an eclipse activating that Mars line through Korea.

Solar Eclipse trine Uranus

Well, basically, we can say, that "Anything can happen!" Basically a wild card. Not a day to be out in public or amongst a crowd. Because, basically, anything can happen.
Be safe and sane. Know that we are all experiencing this.

Be Kind, Especially to Unkind People these days (and all days, really!)

It may not be easy, but we are all being asked to make a giant leap, to evolve.

Be Fearless ~ Choose LOVE!

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