my tea garden!

nice usful garden.
we watering the plants twice a week and then just drink tea and relex...

the leafs from the garden-

drinking tea is very healthy and thats because each one of the the leafs has Special degrees that can halp our body in a lot of ways.

Lemon Verbena (lippa)
Tea made from Louisa is considered an antiseptic and diuretic. Tea contains antioxidants and some believe it helps against depression and fatigue

salvia has a rich amount of antioxidants, bactericides and phytochemicals that act as anticancer agents. Lactating women should not drink sage tea because it dries the milk.

Rich in dozens of antioxidants that help prevent disease and slow aging. Rosemary is also considered to be a good headache, against herbs, strengthens the stomach, liver and pancreas, against kidney stones and is very rich in vitamins B, thyme A, calcium and other minerals.

In folk medicine it is common to use mint leaves to treat nausea, Foodborne illness and the digestive system in general, colds, fever and headaches. After-meal infusion reduces heartburn, especially during pregnancy.

Helps prevent kidney stones, refines the skin, uses tea as orally If bad breath can be gurgled, a patch is applied to the poor to treat the inflammation.

information taken from-,7340,L-3715176,00.html
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