
A strong shoulder to cry on, another back to help carry life's burden, the light of another soul to help find the way through the darkness of this world, that is what friendship is. Understanding and love, mortal love filling the tiny crevices in the body with warmth. It's true I've never understood friendship, maybe less than I understand love, but you've brought me into an epiphany about it. You may not remember me some time far down the road, but I can't forget you. I didn't need to be that close to receive this gift, though I often wonder what I could have learned from you had we been close. I know now that a few friendly words devastate loneliness, a smile heals the emotional wounds building up in a closed soul, and love is more complex than I thought. I love friends more than I ever thought I could, though it's a different kind of love, quieter and less fiery, but just as powerful. Sometimes I mistook it for something greater, sometimes I wondered why I felt anything at all. I would waver incessantly, telling me I love you when you spoke to me, questioning everything when you didn't. I thought about how little I know of you, and you of me, yet it feels deeper somehow. A mythical connection was made somehow, but I'm still not sure what it means. I think as your friend, your loving friend, I would give my life for you. I would do anything within my power, and indeed I would attempt those outside it. I'm not sure why, but I love you, love our friendship, and love the world through it.

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