
A good health is more precious than treasures says an Old African proverb...

For years, we humans are consumed by our quest to get rich and famous, comparing ourselves with other people around us who we never know the source of their riches, therefore clouding our ability to be thankful for a good health and the breath of life which can never be purchased at any price.

A critical and yet neglected fact is that; we humans are not contempted with our lives an the little things we owned, the love of the precious ones around us and the hope of the future we are yet to experience.

Have you considered those in Captivity and or Refugee Camps?

An average of 1800 South Sudanese Refugees arrive daily into Uganda over past 12 months pushing the total refugee population to 1 Million...Ian Bremmer; President Eurasia Group


These are individuals with no hope of a better future in a strange land, they have no idea if they could get their old lives back and go back to living a normal life of a Country Citizens with Civil Rights.

Being alive is one thing, staying alive is another and then living in a comfort zone is the icing of the cake; nobody wishes to be displaced and driven out of their homes due to Wars and Deadly outbreak of Diseases like the cases of South Sudan and Syrian Refugees.

Appreciating life by caring for the little you own:

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There is no greater riches like been contempted with the little things you have. Valuing your tiny possessions and taking care of them is the glamorous act of being happy for staying alive, even if you do not have much; there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Only the living could do that, not a dead or sick body!

Create your Happiness:

You could create whatever brings you joy, comfort and satisfaction without going bankrupt or resulting in crime before you get what you need. Like our man made Truck pool below!


Never wallow in your pains and sadness, it brings more darkness and pushes you to the edge of giving up all hopes.

I am no great poet nor motivational speaker/author, but trust me; you could be more appreciative of staying alive when you see case-files of abject poverty and sickness. Coming from A fatherless Steemian Journey into Adulthood, you can click on the link to read more!

Not having much childhood luxuries but still grew up fine, i never gave up nor loose hope. Then what is your own excuse to undervalue the breath of life inside you?

When there is life, there is surely hope. Our ability to hold on to this hope defines our Willpower as humans!

NOTE: All image used are screenshots to illustrate the scenarios mentioned in the blog, i hold no claim to any of these screenshot used!

UPVOTE, RESTEEM, FOLLOW AND MAYBE DROP A COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

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