
The relationship of the kingdom of Mengwi with Jembrana is a kinship. While between the Kingdom of Mengwi with Blambangan is a power relationship, because Blambangan Mengwi conquered area. To oversee the king of Blambangan, the king of Mengwi, Cokorda Alangkajeng put patih I Gusti Made Ngurah Temenggung reward Ronggo Setoto. Blambangan Kingdom was ruled by a king named Pangeran Mas Sepuh. In a cricket match of the noble level, the crickets of King Mangkuningrat against Tumenggung Ronggo Setoto crickets. The fight of cricket ended with the defeat of the king of Mangkuningrat. The defeat of the king's cicadas made him angry and sent his troops to kill Ronggo Setoto.

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