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Lessons learnt from 2022

Certainly when the end of the year approaches, most of us become reflective and begin to do the math to see what things we managed to do and what things we didn't on our list (For those of us who make resolution lists at the beginning of the year) and many times we start to regret not having achieved this or that, before this we have, in my opinion, two options: continue complaining or do something about it, for me it could be "reschedule" and try to achieve it, perhaps not before the end of the year but yes for the next one, and if it is something that no longer has a reverse, simply accept that it could not be achieved for some reason and set more realistic goals or learn to "let go" as a friend told me days ago. In short, as long as God allows us the gift of life, there are opportunities to start over...

For me the year 2022 has been WONDERFUL, if this was read by people very close to me they would say I'm a little crazy. Why do I say it? Because I have had certain difficult situations in these 11 months that we have been living, but: God has been good. I have learned to complain less and be thankful more and that has been simply uplifting. I have valued so many things and moments that I did not before, I have taken on challenges, I have seen how strong I am and I am surprised by it. I didn't meet many new people, but if I met friends who were abroad and came back, I have had the opportunity to spend time with part of my family, which in previous years was limited to sporadic visits.

What if I had mistakes this year? My answer is a resounding "Yes", I have not only committed them this year but throughout my life, it is part of my human condition (I am not saying it as a justification, by the way), however, I always look for a way to learn from them, to overcome them and above all, not to repeat them, especially when they have caused harm to someone else.

The best and worst of this year?
Without a doubt, the best thing this year has been seeing my sister Maira recovered (she was diagnosed two years ago with a very serious disease). laughter at my antics, knowing that his faith is intact and his desire to fight is renewed every morning, is one of the most beautiful sensations I have been able to experience in my 34 years.

The worst thing this year was having come face to face with the famous COVID-19 in the month of July, I am not mentioning it because of the severity of the disease itself, but because of how vulnerable I feel for being completely alone at home, with the discomfort, deficiencies and having to get up with a 1% desire to prepare my food and take care of other matters that depended on me at that moment. Despite what I say, I would not classify it as the "worst" because I am sure that many people went through more challenging moments, rather it was an opportunity to show myself how strong and courageous I can become in God's hands and that his I will never lack company, besides that, in the distance, I felt the affection and care of those who love me and that is simply beautiful.

I think it is good to look at the past reflectively, take what is good from it and forget what does not add up and does not generate peace.
In summary, in this 2022 I learned that there are always challenges to overcome and also new opportunities to start over, that we must value ourselves and those around us because life is uncertain and we don't know how much time we have left to do good.

Finally, I would like to leave some advice to those who do me the honor of reading this publication: practice GRATITUDE, I assure you that your perspective on life will change.

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