Saying "Sorry" The Right Way

Sorry is a five-letter word that can heal, save and restore.

Saying "sorry" at the right time is very important for a peaceful cohabitation with other people. Saying "I am sorry", should be very easy, but pride and arrogance would not allow some people do that. If you have the virtue of easily saying "sorry", then you are on the pathway of creating a pleasing personality for yourself. Also, it will save you from a lot of problems. 

However, saying "sorry" is not enough. I once had a friend who has the habit of being intentionally wicked. When he does something wrong and I complain, he would say he is sorry but would not try to make right the wrongs he did. As a matter of fact, he continues with whatever it was he was doing wrong. 

Saying sorry involves; apologizing, accepting you were wrong, then correcting or making up for your mistakes. 

For instance, if someone is angry at you because you did not do what you promised them you'll do, the best way to apologize is to accept you have done wrong, say sorry, then do what you were supposed to do. A lot of people stop the apology process at saying sorry. Saying sorry is not enough. You have to correct the problem or mistakes. That is the ONLY truthful way to prove you are sorry. 

Watch out for those who would say "sorry", but will not make any attempt to make better what they did wrong. Most are manipulators. They know exactly what they are doing. They already planned the "sorry" ahead of time even before they did what they did. They said sorry only because they do not want you to understand what their true intentions are. 

I hope I have been able to help you understand how to say "sorry" the right way and also protect yourself from manipulators who use sorry to cover up their insincere motives. 

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Much love from me to y'all. 

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