Where your treasure lies


One man's meat is another man's poison. This phrase was first written by the Roman poet Lucretius and this isnt alien to all other parts of the world and common to Nigeria alone. In the same vein, one man's kiosk is another's mall, one man's wife is another's girlfriend...


The verisimilitude of life, with its distinct twists and turns have birthed various circumstances in which a similar situation may give a different action steming from a reason which seemed the most appropriate according to the action taker.

A vivid example could be in this form.
scenario1: girl A calling off a 9 year relationship upon realisation that her man has been sleeping with another girl and had eventually gotten her pregnant.


Scenario 2: Girl B, upon realisation of such fact as Girl A, is heartbroken but still sees a future with the man in question and is ready to give the relationship another tug.

Definitely for girl B, there will be actions and reactions, opinions in support and counter opinions to the reverse. Her own family may feel the need to 'forcefully ' bring her back to her senses and jolt her back to reverie.


The truth is, as our faces are different so are our thoughts, actions, decisions, views, opinions etc. We use the foregoing phrase when we pray and apparently, everyone seem to be in agreement then but when someone makes a decision or gives a divergent view, we raise an eyebrow and shake our heads in disdain.


We all look but see differently.The way we approach issues are different but that does not make all our approaches right. Your most priced asset may be another's trash item. The drift of the gist is, when persons make some decisions and to you that decision is suicidal, you can try dissuading the person but if such attempts prove abortive, and the person is resolute, stringently maintaining such position- respect such decisions and pray for the best.


Lastly, most times it is better to make excuses for others and not expect everyone to act in a certain manner or do things same way we do them. The best we can do is advice, encourage and motivate them to think and act right. Moreso, how do you even know that the advice you re giving is right ?
You arent perfect, are you???

Written thoughts.....#legalvibes

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