... Sucks Getting Old!

Painful back after a bit of light lifting and physical activity. Hard time keeping up with new technology (cryptocurrencies!)... I'm only 42 but I feel old. In fact, I feel older each day! ;)

These are some of the signs and symptoms. How old do you feel? Can you relate to the below mentioned... 

  • Falling asleep in front of the TV under a blanket
  • You change your email to a serious one
  • You don't even TRY to be cool anymore
  • You have to ask your kid what Bitcoin is
  • You need a drink to help motivate you to go out and have a drink
  • Happy Hour means taking a nap
  • You feel bad in the morning, without having any fun the night before

  • Your favorite type of plans are canceled plans
  • You're happy when cranberry juice and dried prunes are 2 for 1
  • A teenager describes you as middle aged

  • The trash goes out more than you do
  • You have to scroll down to find your birth year
  • You see some hot chicks wearing bikinis and think 'Hope they are wearing sunblock'
  • You use the word 'thingy' because it's easier than remembering what the word is
  • You have to wear your glasses under the shower to shave
  • Car insurance is super cheap now

  • You put your pajamas and slippers on at the time you used to go out
  • That whole 'responsible thing' is getting in the way of fun
  • You tell stories about walking to school
  • Your new boss is younger than your youngest kid

  • Every day is exactly like the one before it
  • Everything hurts and what doesn't hurt, doesn't work!
  • You recently uttered the words "Hey you kids, turn down that music!"
  • You realize that the Karate Kid is 53
  • You often you use the phrase 'It wasn't like that in my day'
  • You used to wake up feeling like a million bucks, these days you wake up feeling like a bounced check

  • People ask you how it was in 'your day'
  • An 'all nighter' means not getting up to pee
  • Cake and ice cream give you indigestion
  • Your face has finally cleared up
  • Your brain used to say 'You probably shouldn't say that', now says 'what the hell, let's see what happens'

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