Remember, there is no sadness or eternal problem in this life, everything will end properly


Remember, there is no sadness or eternal problem in this life, everything will end properly, and clearly it will end with an extraordinary goodness.

Every trial that God wrote to you do not keep complaining, because if you choose to be more patient and keep trying to be strong, then there will be ease and kindness behind each of these trials.

Because of whatever trials you find difficult, or even very difficult, it will become easy, when you are able to soften your heart by continuing to be patient.

Patience is patient and continue to be patient, because the best self-defense when trials come to greet is patience, because patiently everything will be easy, and patiently everything will be beautiful.

Know, that hard trial is because you are weighing your heart with an endless complaint and complaint, because you just try to deal with the effort to continue to be patient, so of course everything will be fine.

So from this moment forward, whatever trials that God presents in your life, small or large, you must accept with patience, so that you don't complain easily.

Just be sure, that every trial that comes will end, and every sadness that comes will change happiness. So for now, be patient first with God's decision.

Because when God decides, and you surrender sincerely, then you will find good for good afterwards.

So keep on trying your best for what has become a divine decree, do not be afraid and bitter cannot pass it well.

Face, be grateful, and live with confidence, until finally you realize that the difficulties and sadness you face are not a trial, but a way for you to become a wiser person in understanding life.

Therefore, if you feel you are being given a trial because of His bad destiny before you, never feel fear or worry, because God has prepared good instead.

Believe me, God has something beautiful after the trouble ends, and surely God has slipped the wisdom behind the trials God has set for you.

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