With Little of it you can have it all

basically there is nothing for free ... but it doesn't end here ...There is nothing for free unless you gave it for free >> Doesn't make any sense yet ,does it!!!

actually this post is way out of my scoop ...most of my other posts talked about food travel music ...but Something happened today made me asking ... can I take something that isn't free, for free ? ...and by something I mean anything.

Here is what happened today:

I was walking home from collage, going to the bus station , while I was there I found a little girl around 7 years old with her mother holding her hand so tight ... the bus came and we all entered the bus, there was only one chair available and we were 4 persons including the girl...the woman sat and put her child on her leg ...after that she opened her bag and gave the little girl , some candy bar.

Behind the lady sat an old man , he looked at the girl ..he was wearing old clothes and looked very simple ,looked as he had no destination , suddenly the girl stood on the ground turned and handed the candy bar to the man, the man smiled tried to refuse but she gave it to him and smiled back at him.

all who saw were shocked and amazed by what happened.
The girl had nothing to give and didn't take something in return .. just a smile from an old man.

In conclusion what I want to say is after this situation I started thinking why didn't I gave him something?
everyday you pass by hundreds of people who need something not always money , maybe a smile and it is all for free.
Helping other by what you have can change someones life as that girls did to me... made me think by a different perspective..How happy is it to help others ... Cuz sharing is caring..and we are all in the same boat.

Hope it wasn't boring but I didn't want to leave any details :D


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