The Wrong Mentality, The Origin, and The Solution

The Problem

Wherever money is involved greed follows suit. A simple dogma that arises everywhere in the world. You have probably even noticed it on Steem, people fueled by greed trying to corrupt and deprive Steem. However, that is not what we are talking about today. Today, I am focusing on the issue of the wrong mentality and a product of greed. People coming to Steem and believing it is a get rich quick platform. Leading them to solely focus on the money and produce mediocre quality content and complain when no one notices it. This mentality has quickly become the minority on Steem due to an amazing, fine-tuned community. However, for those who still hold onto that flawed illusionary belief, I will explain how to fix it, also giving advice.

The Origin

Greed can stem from numerous factors, perhaps it was a lack of parents, neglect, or abuse. However, those swell up and lead to a low self-esteem and the person tries to find something to fill that void that’s created. That leads to them becoming fixated and their relentless pursuit of items to fill that void. However, not all greed is bad because greed can motivate you to produce better quality content or even make you strive for above and beyond. It is not greed that is poisoning Steem; rather it is the wrong mentality that is a byproduct of greed. Let me pose a hypothetical scenario to you. Let's say, for instance, someone runs an oil company and they pollute in a nearby river. However, that company donates thousands of dollars to numerous charities throughout the year. Does one right action cancel out a wrong action? If you think that you are becoming greedy on Steem take a moment to reflect upon yourself. If you believe that you are still greedy after that realization is a great step and find ways to make up for your actions while avoiding those actions that made you think you were greedy. That sounds much easier said than done, what is required is willpower and the right mentality.

The Solution

There is no one solution, wherever money is present greed follows suit. It is human nature and you cannot simply change human nature. Rather the solution is having a community that is opposed to greed and calls others out for their actions when justified and necessary. Greed is prevalent only for the minority on the Steem, while the majority holds the numbers greed will not run rampant. As the community is constantly getting fine-tuned we must always keep in mind those who are greedy to one another and wish to essentially poison the well for everyone. As a community, we must band together and show that the majority do not tolerate greed as it has been shown that hurts the majority rather than the minority. If you yourself feel that you are greedy on Steem and feel that merely upvoting others’ content or donating some of your Steem justifies your actions and serves as atonement you are mistaken. Do not fall into the cycle of greed never getting out.

Conclusion and Tips and Tricks

People aren't looking for mediocre content on this platform, they strive for quality. You need to be able to stand out and have originality and have your own style. But what if you don't know where to start? We all start somewhere, look at those who are extremely successful on this platform and look at their content. People like it for a reason, and that's because it's good. Find your niche and cultivate it. However, do not stay comfortable you must be willing to try new things. Without failure, there can be no success. Do not be afraid to try new things on the platform, be diverse and attract new people. Do not stay content and build a community around you. You would be surprised what effort and dedication would do for you, do not treat Steem like a get rich quick scheme rather as your own business that you control. You can either watch it flourish or sink.

Thanks for reading,

(Thanks to @taskmaster4450 for giving me some inspiration for this post.)


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