One of the Biggest Problems in Life

The Problem

Procrastination, we’ve all been there. Whether it is your homework or a really long project you should have started earlier. But why? Why does it happen to us and how do you stop it? One of the main causes of procrastination is fear of not succeeding and the fear of not succeeding makes you not even want to try. You are setting yourself up for failure with procrastination, the amount of stress that comes from it is merely not worth it. I use to procrastinate on a lot of things my first semester of college. Whether it be computer science homework due on Monday and I just started it at 11 pm or a project I had a month to work on that I start days before it’s due. Is it worth adding more stress to your life? No it’s not, why get more and more frustrated at yourself for starting something last minute and stressing yourself out until it gets done. Not only affecting yourself, but others as well.

How do you get rid of it?

It’s complicated because in a sense you do not truly get rid of it. Rather you effectively stop it or you avoid it. It’s simple really, just look at Occam's Razor the simplest solution tends to be the best one. Although it may not sound simple it really is, the solution is changing your mindset.
Finding the will and motivation to start your stuff earlier. Have homework due next week? Break it up and do a little each day keeping in mind what will happen if you choose to wait. Have the tenacity and willpower knowing that this will alleviate stress and make you happier in the long run. It’s not about setting goals or needing an incentive or rewarding/punishing yourself. It’s keeping in mind the pros and cons of getting it done, keeping the bigger picture in mind. Take for example, while in school you are in math class and someone asks the question of when will we use this in real life? You will probably never use it in real life is the truth; however, you fail math or choose not to do that homework only hurts you. How is failing math and not doing well in high school going to help in the future? It won’t, keep the pros and cons in mind when making decisions and realize that you can not afford to procrastinate.

Remaining Questions

You are most likely left with a few questions. How do you get motivation? Where can I find motivation? Am I motivated by the wrong things? Have no worry! I will answer them very soon.


Thanks for reading,
Mr Rebel.png

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