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People will ask. There's no doubt. No point in waiting for the inevitable questions.

Where in the Hell Have I Been?

The obvious question.
A simple answer.

It could be a long story. Maybe short. That sort of thing can be determined later, when it's finished. It shouldn't take long to get to the beginning. That part I know for certain for you see, the beginning is what comes next, but we only seem to be able to see that at the end.

I might have an answer for you. Eventually.

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Al Arming

Moving Along Nicely

@NoNamesLeftToUse. The Writer/Artist Himself. That's who I am when I wake up in the morning. That same thing happens in the afternoon, if I sleep in. You're probably who you are, when you wake up. They are them, but these are not those when they wake up, or so they say. This all seems normal, does it not?

You see, I'd wake up, much like you or me and no different than anyone else except for that one thing about this that makes me.

What is this, you ask, that makes me, me?

I am not sure, so...

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Abandon the AM

I Went Looking

Can you see?

We won't get anywhere, though, if I keep on saying a whole lot of something about nothing, continuously. That's why I drew you a picture.

It clearly depicts a July morning. Fresh. Me, being me, went straight for that coffee. Then, while standing by the window, I looked through the glass. Outside was on the other side, again. Only after seeing the beautiful morning that was to be the start of my day, did I realize how easy it would be to write an early 90's instant coffee commercial for the tv.

See what I did there?

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Cover Your Mouth Next Time


It was always that easy.

The next fresh July morning wasn't like the others though. This man did something different that day. I did not go to the window. For some strange reason, I thought I already knew what was out there.

I've seen it all, before.
Time to shake things up.

I go crazy. Can you tell?

I started doing... other things. Doing other things felt good. It was a nice summer break. One day at a time. Then one more day. Another and another.

I had fun, being lazy. It was an intense five months as well. During my downtime, I'd be an online content consumer type person rather than the creator of content wizard that I am on here. According to the internet, I must have survived the end of the world at least seven times since summer. Quite the accomplishment for one vacation that happened out of the blue.

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Out of the Blue

This entire one more day thing became a nasty drug though. Felt good at first, but then I found myself chasing a high that didn't exist anymore. That routine became bland, I became bored, but going back to the old routine and getting off the shit once and for all felt like a losing battle.

It's not easy getting back into this groove. I did get an intense rush after hitting that post button again, for the first time. I could easily start enjoying that little buzz and on the daily. There's just one little thing I don't quite have figured out yet.

I still feel like I don't even know where to begin.

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Learning to Walk

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"That explains...nothing. WTF! Great art though."

© 2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
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