Free Votes For Sale! Get Your Free Votes Here! For An Unlimited Time Only I Have Free Votes For Sale!

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist/Curator Himself here again and

I have a stunning announcement to make!

NoNamesLeftToUse - I Vote You.jpeg

Free Votes for Sale!


That's right! We here(I'm only one guy) at @NoNamesLeftToUse Unused Votes Dealership have lost our minds! All of the remaining gunk and brain juices must go! We're clearing house!

Now, just so you know, I have a team of "professionals" on this(I'm only one guy). We've been crunching the numbers and analyzing the data. We've(it's just me) been lurking around and silently reading what many are saying and we've(just me again) been able to lunge towards a number of conclusions. So far, our(my) biggest hurdle was attempting to wrap our(my) heads(that shouldn't be plural) around a concept that goes a little something like this:

Why would I want something that is free, when I can just pay for it?

That's Right!

People actually think like that.

Unfortunately, I am not a trained Dr. Phil-like human. I don't know what makes people tick and won't even attempt to figure this shit out.

So, unfortunately, if your brain allows you to think it's okay to pay for something that is free, I'll have to ask you to leave now. You will not qualify for this:

Amazing Offer!

And now it's time to get serious.

Nearly five months ago, I did a similar promotion. Of course it's a joke. Who would actually pay for something that is free? That's silly and I doubt anyone would actually fall for it.

Back then, I was using my amazing getting attention abilities to basically advertise the fact that I'm looking for new people to follow and hopefully support with my vote, for free, because I'm cool like that. I was looking for outsider type artists and funny people, because I enjoy taking a gander at interesting creations that don't look like everything else, and a good laugh or at least feeling entertained is something I consider to be valuable.

To all who know how important it is to read the fine print: I am once again looking for the same sort of content producer here on this platform. If you're an interesting human who focuses mainly on any form of entertainment, you're on the list as well. Please don't be afraid to step forward and get my attention.

The results of my promotion were quite shocking:

  • I'd really like to hear a cat sing Around the World by Daft Punk.
  • Donuts are holey, not holy, but that doesn't make them unholy.
  • Who's making all that noise?
  • And boom goes the dynamite!
  • Caw! Caw! Maybe crows just can't say Carl.
  • I need to expand my vocabulary. V-o-c-a-b-u-l-a-r-y. That should do it.
    Ignore these bullet points. They have nothing to do with anything. I don't know why I did that.

Ignore That

I lost my train of thought, again.

The results.

I had hundreds of views within hours. Of course I didn't use any "aids" to get those views, it was all organic.

A few of those who follow my work here came to leave comments. They enjoyed the jokes within my post, it was fun for them and we continued to joke around after. That's nothing unusual. Just a normal day(and I've always loved that, thanks everyone). Majority of those people still produce content here on a regular basis and choose to grow organically. Many of them get my vote.

A couple of people didn't really pay attention to what I wrote and left a comment anyway. I see right through that so please stop wasting your time if that's your style. Unfortunately, you probably didn't read this part either, so I guess I wasted my time. I could call you all assholes right now, and you wouldn't even know, assholes.

Moving Along

A couple more came to defend their use of "aids"(paid votes) and I'm not surprised to see they no longer produce content here, because that's just how it goes. Regardless of how much you spend on votes, there are no shortcuts here, you must find a way to grow organically or you'll fail. That's just common sense at this point.

One New Member Stepped Up

And asserted herself.

Out of all the attention my post received that day, only one decided a free vote was something they would be interested in.

She is still blogging away, growing organically, and seems to be enjoying herself. I see rewards beside her posts ranging from a few dollars to one hundred dollars. All organic, pure profit; smart. So, special shout out to @dflo. Good job, you're a cool cat, I still enjoy your blog, keep it up! If any of you out there are looking for something fresh, check her place out. She is an incredibly unique individual.

You folks can work on your blogs, spend hundreds for votes, sit on your hands and wait for everything to just fall in your lap from the sky; I still won't know who you are or what you're up to.

It's not up to Steemit Inc. to hold your hands and reward you for your efforts. When you have a moment, go ahead and visit Youtube. I promise you'll find thousands of accounts with only a handful of subscribers, low views, no comments. Those folks aren't earning a damn thing. Thousands of them. That's the life you signed up for.

It's not really a whale's responsibility to cater to your specific needs either. If you've purchased a vote, you're paying many people so they don't have to look at your work, some whales are part of that group, so don't expect them to see your posts and start voting for them. You are paying those people to look away. Simple stuff. That's just how it is and there's no sense in complaining.

Assert Yourselves

If you want something, make it known, go out and get it.

Today I'd like to offer free votes, again. I follow over 500 people, some went silent, so there's always room for more.

Did you read the fine print? Are you what I'm looking for?

I won't be able to vote on every post of yours. I'm not overly fussy but I do prefer to see a solid effort. My vote is currently worth anywhere from zero to five dollars and of course that's worth more on an exchange(I'd prefer to see you build up your account values so you can reap the rewards down the road, you got this far in life without the added income so keep that in mind, but the choice is all yours). If that isn't enough, you're not what I'm looking for, move on.

Where did these extra votes of mine come from?


I stopped voting for myself. Call me crazy all you want. It's been like this for over a week.

I put in the work, I put in the time, I'm proud of my accomplishments and nothing will ever change that. I've built up a solid foundation of support(thanks everyone) and I have no desire now to take more than what you feel I deserve.

If I can break one vote down per day and put a smile on three more faces, that'll be my reward.

Things might change, I'm experimenting, we'll see how it goes.

Have a nice day.

Warning: If, for some odd reason, you decide to send me money instead of actually reading this post, I cannot guarantee a refund. If you get a refund, the memo will say, "Idiot! Pay attention!" I insist you keep that for your records. Do not send money and expect a vote. Portions of this post were intended to be humorous, and it's tagged accordingly.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Contact me on Steem Chat if you're uncomfortable speaking here."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.
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