Let us love them with a little water for life.


Today I'm very happy to see the children smile. I share their clean water. We're not in the land of the former armed conflict between Indonesia and GAM. In the midst of a remarkable conflict of life we at Landa severe tsunami disaster. Since then our worse between war and disaster.

I myself was the unfortunate man. Living in the midst of war and persuaded kan lantak in the tsunami disaster. Since then I endure for life.

I live in a poor country where his people are also poor. I don't have a decent job, but I still inspires the kids to school and continue to survive.

I live in Aceh province who recently freed from armed conflict where famine, ignorance, until the death of our lives overshadow kerab.
Year 2004 tsunami disaster nearly struck back we lost our entire family. Children lost their mother and his father. While I suffer with poverty I.

Currently my age has advanced but I do not have the capital to get married. My life any incurred debt. I don't mean to beg help but debt Bill now forced me to ignore the shame.

I'm working on transporting clean water and donated to children in need. I know maybe the giving I don't how, but what I did for humanity.

I may live to suffer but their children should not join the bear the brunt. Seeing them smiling it felt very happy. This is the clean water for them. For the sake of humanity. For the sake of the safety of children in the world.
Let us love them with a little water for smile.

Save the children

Saya tinggal di negara yang miskin dimana rakyat nya juga miskin. Aku tidak punya pekerjaan yang layak, namun saya tetap menginspirasi anak-anak untuk terus sekolah dan bertahan hidup.

Saya tinggal di Aceh provinsi yang baru terbebas dari konflik bersenjata dimana bencana kelaparan, kebodohan, hingga kematian kerab membayangi kehidupan kami.

Tahun 2004 bencana tsunami kembali melanda hampir kami kehilangan seluruh keluarga kami. Anak-anak kehilangan ibu dan bapak nya. Sedangkan aku menderita dengan kemiskinan aku.

Hidup ku pun terlilit hutang. Aku tidak bermaksud mengemis bantuan tapi tagihan hutang memaksaku untuk mengabaikan rasa malu.

Aku berkerja mengangkut air bersih dan menyumbangkan untuk anak-anak yang membutuhkan nya. Aku tahu mungkin pemberian aku tidak seberapa, namun apa yang kulakukan untuk kemanusiaan.
Aku boleh hidup menderita tapi anak-anak mereka tidak boleh ikut menanggung beban. Melihat mereka tersenyum rasanya sangat bahagia. Ini adalah air bersih untuk mereka. Demi kemanusiaan. Demi keselamatan anak-anak di dunia.
Mari kita cintai mereka dengan sedikit air untuk kehidupan.
Save of the children.

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