Books and Father


When I came to his house that afternoon, he was struggling with old photographs that seemed to have been pulled out of the old cardboard box beside him. He sat cross-legged, his glasses sagged almost falling if not supported by his sharp nose. He raised his eyes to look at me. The light dropped on his graying head.

"Oh, son, sorry you did not bother you," he smiled broadly, his eyes burning. "Father is more trouble. Ouch Nak, old hands are trembling when these old photos should be tidied up, "he tried to insert one photo into the pockets of the album, but because his hand was shaking it seemed very difficult.
"Here are the photos everywhere, sir?" I asked a small talk, taking one of the photos.
"These are all memorable photographs when you are in charge of Irian Jaya, son, ah, it's been so long forgotten, you see if you want," his voice shook and excited.
But of course, my arrival was not to look at photographs, but wanted to take back a book which, he said, had been for five years already lent Mr. Sobar, my teacher, to this Father.

"Eh, um, sir, I want to ..."
"Ooo, are you looking for my grandson Harun? Son, at this hour he is working again, usually back and forth at night, you do not know exactly what he does, but apparently today should be so, work do not know ... "
"Eh, sorry sir, I actually want to take ..." hesitantly forced to cut his speech, considering I was in fact hurried by the thesis task which according to Mr. Sobar will be greatly helped by the book.
"Oh, would you like to take your order?" She snapped. "I saw Aaron take home some of the things he ordered people order, look inside, who knows it got you. Ouch, "he grinned. "It's hard for you to come in here, son. You must be tired, make coffee inside. "
Uh, I'm annoyed, but seeing the situation I'm so can not bear to force further. There is nothing wrong with his will, I thought, who knows slowly he understands the purpose of my arrival. Moreover, it is true, I feel tired after a long journey.

"You should not be offended if you have to think of this as your own home," her voice trembled but excitedly saw me take off my shoes and put my backpack on the porch. "You'll cook, clean up, maybe shop while you can relax a little."

Wonder also see your attitude to the guest like me, but he does not know me, so did I, which is the address of this house I found after asking to the motorcycle taxi drivers. I became so familiar here, then the soul of my kosku children appeared, immediately I kusulap kitchen materials into dinner style perfunctory. Dad ate with satisfaction and happy, occasionally he insinuated that I'm a smart boy cook.

after eating I remembered something, "you know, Kok grandson Mr. already overnight this has not been home?" kubereskan platters dirty and save the rest of food. "the Aaron? he stood dock, taken glasses, looked at me," this hour he usually have come, it if you intend to go, "he headed chair and take a mobile battered in the table. with the whole push-pencetnya button mobile, paste to his ears. revelation mobile it while breathe," Ahh, apparently he again busy weight, "his face beraut disappointed," to phone father was not raised. "while sit back in the living room, accompanied by a Cup of coffee, father told me about the youth, ditingkahi cough dry," Mr. this soldier who never fight, "he said calm. I watched her posture the mediocre, crush on his youth not including dressed fierce." Mr. only report a village where Mr. sent, eat and work farm equally, "his breath rather NGOs-ngosan." but it also makes regret it. ever a when I told to quickly home, in fact I already familiar in a family, even almost married to a girl, "his voice vibrate, sadness appear in his face." you know what happened? a week later I heard the village was burned people unknown, most of his killed. I don't know again the fate of the girl still alive what no, "I saw tears in the flow of wrinkles cheeks. attitude sad Mr. again break my wishlist offensive problems of the book. apparently an event that truly memorable in his heart. but I decided not respond to serious story, later too many stories even boring." Oh Yes, what a day-to-day Mr. alone? "I tried to distract. disekanya eyes with a handkerchief small, his attitude back excited," Ah Yes, true all, son, since wife died and children family, thank goodness the my grandson oldest the Aaron want to accompany, it was often absence, Ah son, "he looked at me attached," you definitely fatigued even father of the story is not known, "he evaporate ago menekapkan second hand to his face." Mr. want to sleep, son, you up to want to sleep now or later, the next room is empty. want nyetel tivi please, Oh Yes Mr. forget, that there are many books you may read-read as much ... "vision direct fixed to the full rack book on the right US. while coughing small Mr. into the room, the closing of the door meetings. my eyes still fresh-fit. kuteliti individually books neatly arranged. apparently it used to the attention of the father of the science of also, the average his book spelled quality, some I know quite rare even now highly sought after some other now expensive because no longer be printed. I took one, after I read the way it is very useful for skripsiku. but I still wondering, where the book has Pak sobar Yes? get up next I intend bath, directly looking for a small room. father was awake, chair accompanied by a Cup of beverages steaming." want bath, son? "she said. I nodded" well, you need to sports bucket first, son. pipe water off, I asked for Aaron fix but it looks like vain, "diseruputnya drink while looking at me." Ah, never mind, Sir, I used to neem, "I headed back home. turned out to the floor cement width, with the well located in the middle. kujenguk into the well, UH, it ten feet. there water pump depending on the mid, his pipe sticking and at the turn to gentong no connection off. soon I want glue pipe in the father, who get by joy, kulem back as the original, I tried turning pump, water was flowing perfect fill gentong empty. I Fry egg and mengoseng long beans for breakfast. the time I was determined, remind Mr. back in the book lent Pak sobar. we both breakfast and I saw you eat like untouched Rice for weeks." lately hand Mr. often sick each close the front window, son, "he break the silence." try later you look, presumably sekerupnya or what's loose, "he cough small almost kesedak. again I cancel my intention. what would happen if Mr. way again? kudatangi window is the father. true, screw the hinge already loose so I own difficult to close. haste Mr. bring crate tool artisan. no to ten minutes window recovered as the original." Kok Aaron not come too, Sir? "I remembered grandson Mr. when we sat both under the tree acid." Ah, difficult to take care of grandson father, the son, he did awry, "his head nod-nod." the father of not know exactly what it works, which is definitely odd. sometimes just wandering. "" Mr. familiar same Pak sobar? "I start planning." ee, the sobar? "his forehead wrinkled but his eyes widened." Ah, Yes first Mr. familiar, first if no one ever bring a book about ... "view stared, suddenly he cough." Oh, son, a good book of course, but already forget ... "back he coughed, I am so worried, profit soon died down." uhuh, son, Mr. into the first well. usually more preferably if out couch. you may watch tivi or read-read the book. first Mr. like you, happy read ... "

Bapat asleep, I can be sure from the sound of snoring in the room. I flip through old magazines. Uh, edition of tens of years ago but still good condition. I also took one of the thick books that turned out to be an encyclopedia. There are three encyclopedias. Also old books about history. If only I could, I thought, some of these thick books are very useful for my scripts.

Towards noon I went back to cooking. Either because of the aroma of cooking, Dad woke up, I saw he was much better and fresh than before. We then ate together.
"You remember your teacher Sobar, son," he said, chewing with enthusiasm. "You're not in vain to teach a teacher like him. He's a teacher who understands that life is not enough just memorize the contents of many books, "his voice sounded steady.
"What was that book that was feted to you?" I ventured.
"Actually a useful book, son," she spooned the vegetables. "Regarding the boundaries between school life and society."
"Now the book is still there, right?" I asked slowly.
Daddy coughed back. Again I doomed my desires further.

Kubikin two cups of tea, I brought a glass to the living room with one of the old editions of the magazine about art. Suddenly Dad approached me.
"When do you go back to school, son?" He placed the tea cup on the table.
"After making the thesis, sir," the magazine in my hand I immediately shut down.
"Son, I'm sure you're a person who values ​​knowledge, life as well. You're supposed to be the leader, but then you'll be the leader, "his voice sounded sure now, no longer shivering.
"Ah, I am just ordinary, sir," I blushed.
"Go home if you have a job, son," he looked at me sharply. "Regarding the book lent Sobar father has forgotten somewhere, but father wants, son, you take care of father's books, just bring what you need."
I was not sure what I was hearing, "You mean father?"
"You bring the book you need, the father pity you," his face was warm and his eyes burning.
"But what about Aaron's grandson? Who knows he needs, "
He sighed, "Never mind him. In his hand most moth food only or sold kilos, "

I finally got out of Dad's house with my rucksack and two cardboard boxes full of books. I do not think it's necessary to look for the book Mr. Sobar anymore. Everything I took I considered was more than enough.

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