Meet The Mom Who Predicted Her Own Death (And Lived To Tell About It)

Death and I have a very special relationship. I know many people are afraid to die but as one of my favorite authors, Don Miguel Ruiz, says, "We are actually afraid to live." We are afraid to take the risks necessary for us to have the life we desire and deserve. We should work to build a friendship with the Angel of Death so that we constantly have a reminder to LIVE... Live and be free. Free yourself from what is no longer serving you.

When my Grandfather passed away in April 2010, my heart broke. And honestly I do not think it has been placed back together ever since. My Grandmother would tell me to ask God to have him (my Gandfather) come visit me in my dreams when I miss him. I do it and every single time I get to spend time with him. In a recent dream, I embraced him soooooo tight! I could actually feel him and smell him. That is normally how he communicates with me, via his scent.

After hearing Stephanie Arnold's story, I want to get over my fear of death and truly embrace living. I want to understand the real relationship with our Spirit's and our Body's. Why are we here? What are our missions? What does it mean to live? What does it mean to die? I have so many questions that need answers and Stephanie's most recent interview with Megyn Kelly TODAY really has me intrigued.

After watching this interview, I immediately followed Stephanie on all of her social media outlets and will be purchasing her book, "37 Seconds".!pxvgzMNfZ1nRiJTw0coSw6po!WgF19IVYVDb1ztvpiJ6uyd8ETwGohgWMZOxO7nbASp+W5SBQKW/u34+1F!EVWH7ngw7NLVXIcKIKW2pmYA+Gl!w8rbMsYH!BRIAG5OUet9tcq9F2XjffXkZsjELHH1dotzfe59AzyGvF052d2UykJBErmXhkayWsW1OYzkgsRAdZgmVYczu

"Like Proof of Heaven and To Heaven and Back, a medical drama with heavenly implications in which a woman receives premonitions of her death that come true, and her discovery of the heavenly help available to all of us.

When she was pregnant with her second child, Stephanie Arnold had a sudden and overwhelming premonition that she would die during the delivery. Though she tried to tell the medical team and her family what was going to happen, neither the doctors nor her loved ones gave her warnings credence. Finding no physical indications that anything was wrong, they attributed her foreboding to hormones and anxiety.

One member of the medical team did take her concerns seriously enough, and made the fateful decision to order extra units of blood “just in case.” Then, during the delivery, Stephanie suffered a rare Amniotic Fluid Embolism. She went into cardiac arrest and flat-lined for 37 seconds. She died. Using the supplementary blood, the medical team revived her, and she remained unconscious for more than six days.

After months of recovery, Stephanie began to remember details of her experience, details she knew because she had witnessed the entire dramatic event, including her death, from outside her body—beside other spirits that were with her. In this remarkable true story, Stephanie recounts her harrowing journey and shares her surprising spiritual discoveries: we are not alone and have more loving help than we can imagine surrounding us."

What are your thoughts on life, death, and the Spirit? Do you believe Stephanie's story? Let's chat about it below!

What is death?

"The personification of the power that destroys life, often represented in art and literature as a skeleton or an old man holding a scythe."

"The action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism."

What is life?

"The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death."

"The period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being."

Note: Neither formal definitions of life or death mentions the existence or presence of the Spirit. Hmmmm...

What is the Spirit?

"The nonphysical part of a person regarded as a person's true self and as capable of surviving physical death or separation."

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