
We never stop growing.. Do we?

Most times people end up being something else than what they imagined they would be in life as kids. As a kid i wanted so badly to be an actress and a musician, i remember how my cousin adviced me against it, not because he didn't care about me or believed in me but because these careers were unethical or unserious in a typical African family. In those days, a typical African family expect their kids to be doctors, lawyers, bankers and any other professional careers but i was never interested in any of them. My family is a typical African family of scholars and i dare not bring acting or singing into the picture. But then that dream never died, i guess that explains why I'm a movie freak. And music, it is my escape route from a turbulent mind.

As i grew older, my love for entertainment grew with me and i picked interest in dancing too. I became one of the best dancers in my high school and i always imagined having my own dancing school. As a teenager, i imagined myself going to a dancing school overseas and coming back to set up my own dancing school. I love the energy that music brings to my body, it was overwhelming and beautiful. And when it was time for college, I had to go for a professsional course.

I usually hear stories of people that studied a course chosen by their parents, that they ended up not finding happiness or peace in their career. But the reverse is the case with me, I did a course chosen by my mum and I fell in love with it. Not that i don't cleave to my childhood dreams but i realized that I could be anything and so much more. I loved entertainment but then i was extremely good in calculations and finances and my Mum envisaged that i will be a very good Economist and that's how i ended up with the course.

Now what do i want to be when i grow?

I could be an adult, but then, we never stop growing and it's never too late to live our dreams. I want to be the best in my field. The blockchain might be a place for tech guys but it's nothing without Economits and I'm glad to be an early bird. By the time the world will gets onboard, I will be leading the way. It's a tough one but I love the woman I'm becoming. Now i admire boss ladies and serial enterpreneurs. Infact my role model is a movie character, weird right? Her name is Michelle Darnel from the movie, THE BOSS, she was a strong independent woman and her character inspires me. I still dance for at least 30 mins a day as a way to relieve my mind, sometimes i sing, these things are part of who I am and I'm not letting them go. I'm willing to make the best of my career as an Economist and I appreciate my Mum everyday for seeing into the future..

Wherever you find yourself, make the best out of it.

Thanks for reading..


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