What you didn't know your brain, the truth about reality of perception!

It is time to share my knowledge of a brain, the set of books and article was read by me, and still I am surprised to this knowledge and I find for them practical application in life, let's start anew, it will be very interesting!

  • 1 - For a brain everything is "real", it is the truth, for your brain there is no difference between thoughts, the imagination, a dream and your life, everything that it perceives it reads for "real", so gets nastoshchy, live experience, study was somehow carried out where two groups of basketball players participated, one group within a week daily walked on trainings, the second group within a week dreamed, imagined that it trains! They were connected to special scanners and how you think what result?
  • The result very much surprises! Their sections of a brain developed almost equally! The small difference as a percentage since for a brain "the imagination of game" was so valuable and real as the real game, of course it didn't pump up a muscle, but here very strongly affects formation of the personality, this fact is known by spiritual people and use it in meditations, visualizing certain images and staying in them, and they fully influence an organism.
  • 2 - The brain is very surprising, any your knowledge, judgement and feeling is a program, in literal sense! It is the code determined by neyrologicheski consisting of neurons, "dog" is one code, "love" another, etc., in fact your brain represents the strongest bio-computer! And you literally create yourself, it is important to realize it, any your action supports the existing neural communications or creates new therefore ignoring something the program teyat force, and then and is absolutely erased, and that becomes what are you doing frequent the main program of your personality, so and life.
    Therefore we can reprogram literally ourselves having changed the actions and thoughts, and believe, those changes which can happen are simply amazing!
  • 3 - By the way yes, power and possibilities of our brain in tens of thousands times more the strong computer :)
  • 4 - All heard that we use a brain for 2%-5%, and then and denials? And so, there are a lot of rumors, I will tell purely scientific fact - the brain works for 2-5% for most of people, it is the truth! But it doesn't mean what brain activity in a small section of a brain, and in remaining sections a deep sleep, no, remember I said about neural communications? And so their quantity of combinations are more than one trillion! And people use only combinations: the house - operation - rest - friends, etc., you understand? You have almost boundless potential of knowledge and realization of reality!
  • 5 - A brain remembers everything and always! Even if you look at this text only 1 second, your subconsciousness will remember abolsyutno everything! To each letter, to each character, and this image from subconsciousness will influence your life, can not so strongly, but nevertheless will be - and at some point it can change you, affect your choice, by it and advertizing is dangerous! (Here, I wanted Pepsi now, and I two don't drink year this chemistry! Here it is marketing force in subconsciousness! :)), I know, it is difficult, but try to filter information and not to dip the attention in all holes :)
  • 6 - Yes, the brain even remembers what you saw side sight! It is unimportant that physically you and letters won't read, to your super-brain it isn't important, it just does the operation :)
  • 7 - Our brain can concentrate attention only on 1 object to increase concentration it is necessary to hold the breath.
  • 8 - Your brain is most vulnerable when it is weakened therefore listen to the correct music, switch off radio when to a dremita, and don't watch advertizing! You keep consciousness clean and without chuzherozhnykh of programs :)
  • 9 - Well and the known fact, the left hemisphere "man's" is responsible for logic, right "female" for creativity! Best of all when they are synchronized and work 50 on 50. Harmony, Yin yang so to speak ;)
    Chtozhe, dear friends! I met a lot of interesting by article about a brain, but they were a little useful, rather informative, right there I to you painted "completely" the most important points about a brain which can completely change our life to the best!

    I thank you for attention and your gratitude in the form of upvote :)
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