Life Is A Gift Of God | Enjoy your life.

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Life Is A Gift Of God! Here you will fight, sometimes happy moments will come, sometimes happiness moments will come in your life. But you can be happy only when you are satisfied yourself. Before you think to tell someone ...

There are millions of people in the world who can not speak. But you are lucky that you have that power. Think before you complain about meal . How many people have no eaten food, how many people have come to fight in just eating single meal.

Think before husband or wife complain about each others. How many people have lost their life partner!

Think before regretting for being more wealthy.How many people still have no home, how many people sleep under the open sky.

Before expecting more complaining about your own life. Remember the Creator, because you are still alive and well. There is a chance to enjoy the world.And think of those who died before knowing this world...

Think before you complain about your children.They have no children yet!

Think before you slip down a little way. How many people are walking kilometers after kilometer due to lack of money. How many students are walking in the sun for many distances.

Think before you start harping someone.How good you. Because people do not harping with others when he or she good mentality person.

Think Before Being in Depression. You're still able to stand up, pick yourself. But there are thousands of people who do not have enough power to stand up and do anything if he or she want.

No one back twice life . Think of life your life in every step, think before you complain about yourself, and say thanks God who given you everything. And say God i'm happy. Enjoy your life, Find out the meaning of life as it is...

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