The real peace!


I was thinking to write something on peace. I stayed for a moment to think how I get the peace when the good things don't seem to be on my side. The answer came before I finished asking myself. The real peace comes from Jesus. It might sound religious for some people, but it's just the pure reality.

Jesus is the "Price of peace". Once you have a relationship with him, trust him and come to him with all your worries, stress and troubles, you will receive his peace. As I said, this is not about religion. It's about the relationship. The religion will give you some steps to take and would tell you what to do and what not to do, but the relationship is not about laws and regulations. It's about staying in Jesus' presence and receiving what He has to give. So, if you need peace, you will receive it.

It happens to all of us that when we meet friends who go through terrible pain, we are affected by their suffering. If we meet a child who is full of joy and love, we feel better when we look at him. We can calm down easier if we stay in the presence of somebody who has peace and hope. I would say it's the same when you stay in Jesus' presence, but it's much more. He doesn't just have peace. He is peace. He is the perfect peace. In him, you will find peace, hope, love and everything you need.

You don't have to strive, nor to do any kind of rituals. You are invited only to stay and rest in His presence. When you do this the peace that will come into your life will pass any understanding. The people will look at you and will want to stay in your presence. They will don't know why they like you; they will just desire your presence.

Start having a good relationship with Jesus. Invite Him to come in your life. Talk to Him the same way you talk to your friends. He is close to you right now. He can see you and can hear you. He knows everything about you and still loves you. Just ask Him to be your Lord, Savior, and Friend, and He will be. Stay in His presence and receive peace. You were created to have a relationship with God. You can have it.

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