Positive Mental Attitude


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All of us would always have problems in life, and we all have our own way on how we react to this problems in life. So how can having a Positive Mental Attitude help us? Here written are 3 steps that would help us create a positive mental attitude:

Think! Don't let your emotions overcome you

It is normal for us humans to react whenever difficulty trikes us, we tend to panic, be upset, or even resentful in this cases. This reactions are natural for the human body however if we let our emotions overcome us it would most likely result to a lack of full rationality which may lead to us not solving this problems.


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One must discipline himself to be calm in his thinking. Imagine it this way, our mind is a teapot filled with water and the flame is our problems. Now as the water starts to heat up, noise starts coming out of the spout and noise is produced, now there would be a difficulty for us to think rationale since our focus is on releasing the steam.

Our mind is our greatest asset so it is important to always keep it in control.

"The chief purpose of the body is to carry the brain around"

-Thomas Edison

Think of how to solve the problem and not just what ifs

In a book I've read it says that there are 2 kinds of thinkers, the first one is the "If" thinkers and the second one is the "How" thinkers. So the difference?


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IF thinkers are those that broods over a difficulty or a setback, always making excuses and explanations to explanations, round and round, and in the end leads to nowhere.

How thinkers on the other hand, wastes no time and energy on blaming anyone or explaining reasons when trouble or disaster hit him, they get the problems solved effectively since he knows that values are always inherent in difficulty.

So, you choose, which kind of thinker would you be?

Believe you can

How could others believe in you, if you yourself do not believe in your own capabilities? If one had been thinking of negative and defeating thoughts, and expecting the worst we usually would end up getting it.


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"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind"

(2 Tim. 1:7)

If you believe in yourself you would set your mind in focus that you can do it. You would be what you believe to be.

Thank you reading and dropping by! I hope it helped you in someways like it did for me. If you would like to read the book that I am referring to the title of the book is 6 Attitudes for Winners by Norman Vincent Peale.


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