Failure is a way to Success

Failure and Success

All of us had encountered failures in life and sometimes no matter how positive we are, it will take it's toll on us. I had been reading a part of a book regarding failure and wanted to share it with you guys.


Converting Failure into Success

Failure is a constant to us humans be it at work, in life, or in relationships, etc. And it may be hard for others to cope up with this failures. So below I had placed a summary of what to do and what to know when faced with this dilemma.

Failure is not Permanent


No matter how hard a situation may appear, always remember that it is not permanent.Similar to time and the weather everything does not go on forever, it will change no matter what we do. Remember after every rain, there is a silver lining.

"Failure is an incident that can be woven into the tapestry of creative achievement."

Learn from your Failure


Realizing our mistakes is the first basic step into understanding why we have failed in the first place. For example whenever we start something new (business, courses, etc.) we usually do not get it right the first time in knowing our mistakes, we could now think of a different approach to our problems

"When you know how something should not be done, you are in a better position to learn how it should be done."

Never let Failure STOP you from reaching your GOAL


We could easily be disheartened when faced with failure, and often than not, we easily give up on our goals in fear of failing again. When faced with this situations we should keep the negative thoughts out of our minds, and have a support group (like our friends and family) around us who would motivate us to continue aiming for our goals.

If you are tired then rest, don't ever stop

Diligence goes a long way


No success can be attained without diligence. Look at it this way you have lots of fruits and you wanted to sell it in the market, however not all the fruits could fit inside your wagon (meaning you could only bring a few of it at a time) ,now you would have to go back and forth so you could sell all of your fruits or just let it go to waste.

"It takes time to succeed because success is merely the natural reward of taking time to do anything well."

- Joseph Ross

All great and known musicians did not learn how to play instantly, practice and diligence took them to what they are now. The ability to do laborious tasks and continously doing them is essential to have successful outcomes.



The key to success is having a sharp, definite, and specific objective.

"No one can get anywhere unless s/he knows where s/he wants to go and what s/he wants to be or do"

Having a sharp and definite goal is very important. Since you would give more of your time and effort in order to achieve this goals knowing that it is something you want to achieve and know that would give a lot of meaning into your life and a sense of accomplishment.

Pray, pray, and pray


There is nothing more powerful than the power of Prayer, ask God for direction

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."

- Proverbs 16:3

Like what others have said FAIL is just an abbreviation for First Attempt In Learning.
In our success we can look back at our failures and realize that it had helped us more than we think it did.
So don't loose hope and continue to aim for you dreams.

If you want to read more from the book that I referred to, the title of the book is 6 Attitudes for Winners by Norman Vincent Peale

Thank you for reading!

- nickeychan

Disclaimer: All photos used are taken from pixabay

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