Is there more to life than this? Join the Alpha Course for a share of the SBD from this series of posts

In this series, I hope to explore with you some of the most important questions we'll ever ask. No matter what beliefs or lack of beliefs you currently hold, I invite you to join me in these series of posts for a share of all SBD earned to be split between all active participants throughout the series.

Is there more to life than this?


This series is designed for anyone who have wondered about any of the following:

  • Is there a God?
  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Why is there so much suffering in the world?
  • Is there more to life than this?

If you've ever wanted to ask these deeper questions of life in a non-judgemental environment, and receive intellectual, evidence-based answers to life's tough questions, then I invite you to follow me in this series of posts.

How to participate and receive a share of all SBDs earned from this series of posts

To receive a share of all the liquid rewards from this series of posts, you will need to watch the video each week, and comment with the following:

  1. Something that stood out for you from the video (such as a question or observation), and
  2. respond to the discussion question
  3. Engage with other group participants.

Please watch the video from Week 1 below

This week's question is: If you could ask God any question and you knew you would receive an answer, what would you ask?

If you would like to participate in this online Alpha Course, please:

  • let me know you would like to participate,
  • briefly introduce yourself,
  • comment on this week's video, and
  • answer the above question.

Rewards from the posts will be shared at the end of the Course among those who participate each week.

If you are already a Christian, I ask that you kindly leave this opportunity to those who are still seeking. But you are welcome to respectfully engage in the conversations, and share your stories and experiences.

This is meant to be a respectful and open group, where all questions and views are welcome, and where we intend to explore these deeper questions of life without any fear of being judged. So please try your best to be respectful. Otherwise, you will be flagged and asked to leave.

The Alpha Course is held all over the world. If you enjoyed this video and would like to attend an Alpha Course in person, you can go here to find out more.

Alpha Course是一个我在英文区开始的系列。希望中文区的朋友们也能够来参加。

在这个系列中,我们将会一起探讨一些关于人生的大问题; 比如生命的意义是什么?


Follow me @nextgen622 for the next installment in the Alpha Course series

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