Hello Steem, I'm new! I Got Married, Next Chapter in Life


Hello Steem,

I'm so happy that I found Steem. I found steem through investing in crypto currency. I'm a XRP and XLM holder, and now STEEM.

So that's me and my wife. I will forever love her. She is so kind. We are total opposites but we work really well together. I can rely on her. I probably rely on her more than she relies on me hahah.

I'm in the next chapter of my life. I've changed so much. As I remember my past, I realize a lot of the things I did were just a waste of time and also f*cking stupid. But hey, I guess that's growing up.

Few life lessons I've learned after getting married:

  1. Never say the last word in an argument.

  2. Don't lie... But if you really have to, make sure you don't get caught!! Or you are F*CKED. You will literally lose about 50% of her "trusting you" for the rest of your life.

  3. Don't go to the casino, you will lose. The odds are against you in most games. If you are good at poker, fine. But gambling will ruin you and your family. I use to go to the casino a lot when I was single. After adding up all the widthdrawals I took out of my bank account, I ended up gambling away about $50,000 in my 20's... WTF, that could have been my down deposit on a home. This mistake cost me 2 years of my life to save for a down payment on my first home. I spent 2 years in a ghetto apartment with my "wife to be" so we could save money. Weird people lived in this apartment, the hallways would smelled so bad at times, and there were so many bugs and cockroaches, parkay flooring everywhere. I said sorry to my wife many times, "why did I have to bring her into this" sh*thole of a place.

If I could go back in time, I would stop myself from going to the casino and make sure I invest in bitcoin.


As soon as we got married, we ended up getting a townhouse. Made some money from the wedding and also combined with our savings, we were able to put a down payment on a $400,000 townhouse. Then after 1 year, real estate market boomed and we ended up selling our townhouse for $650,000 in early 2017. So we were up at least $250,000 in 1 year, we got lucky. Ended up getting a detached house, and renovated the sh*t out of it. I'll post pictures later regarding our renovated kitchen and bathrooms.

I really believe in projecting what you want. Secret right here hint hint

After getting married, all I want to do is make money and secure my future financially. I feel like I'm in a race. It really drives me and excites me. But won't be able to do this without the love and support of my wife.

My next goal is to leave my 9 to 5 job. Honestly, if Bitcoin goes to 40k by the end of this year, I'm selling my coins and quitting my job :-)

Wait a second... Bitcoin = Gambling? I hope we get lucky again.

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