
Two years ago around November, I was back home from school on a blazing Monday afternoon to get an important book I had forgotten to take along with me. A little book fell out. I picked it, just scanning through it's pages but then stumbled on a very philosophical phrase in this book titled, Create Yourself With The Power Of Words. Authored by Stanislaus Umohandikan, still a Catholic seminarian in the year 2012 when the book was published. I hid it in a place I could easily remember and hurriedly continued my search for the book I had come home for. At vacation, I pondered hard on this phrase, asked questions, some of which became quite annoying to my Dad especially. At the time though, I had developed a bad habit of making two opposite thoughts about imminent happenings in my life. So I read more of this book, wrote some things out of it into my diary and finally wrote my names in block letters at the first and last pages, secretly deciding ownership all on my own and making it my book😉

The phrase went thus "Words when spoken are like concrete after two days, easy to dry and difficult to reshape"

It is very common knowledge, that from the moment we came into the world till the moment we shall die, we have never ceased to think, not even for a second, except ofcourse when we were little babies incapable of thoughts and when we are neck deep in sleep. Our thoughts create two things for all they can; either purely good or wholely bad. Yet they can create non unless we approve of it, by occupying our thoughts with negative words. Therefore a thought in our mind is the right time to be so positively shaped that when it is spoken as a word, it becomes a goal. A goal we then grasp with zeal, which in turn forces our actions to take a ride on the word.

Do you want to reshape your world?
Do you want to break with the past to create a beter future?
Then your word does it.

Now ain't we lucky? That the unlimited trail of words has already been created, by I'm-not-sure-who-but-God-bless-their-souls, and our job then is simply to choose the best from them and live up. It could even be possible that the most beautiful words are not yet in vogue. Feel free to mould up some. Your world needs all the most positive words your thought can ever muster. Even God Himself created the world with the power of words. Yes honey, Its time to write out failure. Grab a pen and paper. Scribble away!

So mine, though exceeding a word is "I can be the greatest I have ever fantasized" I'm certain because we talked, God and I, reeeeeeally talked. And I believe He was listening...

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