The attitudes that may be sabotaging your chances of finding love

Loving disappointments, bad experiences or lack of hope are common feelings for people who have difficulty finding a stable partner. It can be difficult to admit, but often the "guilty" of singleness are the same singles who sabotage themselves and prevent them from entering into a relationship.

Autosaboteo: the attitudes that ruin your chances of finding love

  1. You have too high standards: you do not give opportunities for new encounters or chances of getting to know a person well just because he does not live up to your demands (without even knowing if he is an interesting person).

  2. The dating apps do you wrong: the pages to find a partner make you think that there is a catalog of potential partners and so pass to people carelessly, always thinking that you can find someone better in the next click.

  3. You are tied by the past: you think that you will not find someone as good as your ex or try to maintain a closeness with people with whom you got involved in the past. Being tied to memories can ruin your chances of being happy in the present.

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