Thoughts in my head # 46 or believe in yourself!

We always try to prove something to someone. For example, they tell you that you can not do something, well, you can not do it, and you have such an inner struggle starting.
"I? I can not? Ha-ha! I can! You'll see! I'll take it and I'll do it! To spite everyone, because I can!"
And this very "proof" begins, which, in fact, neither you nor the one to whom you prove it is not necessary. And this all because of self-doubt. Realizing that you are underestimated, that people do not believe in you, it becomes very insulting for your "I", self-pity awakes. So you try, and you try make it so that those who did not believe in you said: "Well done! And what a fine fellow you are, but we did not expect at all!" (And they stroked your head again) ...
But! If I already know that I'm "good", if I believe in myself and in my strength, then do I care about what others think? I do not have to prove anything to anyone. I will not swim across the ocean to be believed. If I want to swim, it's just for myself and for my goals. Prove to yourself, but not to others. Be above of all of this, believe in yourself!





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