Regrets in life

Have you ever think back and regret the decisions you have made or have not done in life?

My regrets are mostly on things I had not done in life. Since things that is done is a thing in the past, we can only looked forward. So what I have not done and could have done but regret in life?

  1. I regret not travelling early. I only travel abroad on my own with a friend at the age of 29. It is not that I don't want to travel on my own but I was constantly protected by my parents. At the age of 29, I finally convinced them that I am capable of travelling on my own. And I finally did. Travelling abroad is an eye-opener. Parents out there, don't hold your child back when they voiced out about travelling solo or with a friend. Instead, teach them to protect themselves, teach them to be independent, teach them to be street smart. Every youth are constantly being restricted by boundaries set by parents, school and society. This boundaries are holding them back from who they really are. Don't restrict them, instead let them do it under your watchful eyes. Once you know that they are ready, slowly loosen your grip. You will never know what are they capable of unless you learn to hold on to them loosely. Do realized that i stated hold on to them loosely instead of letting go of them. No parents on their right mind will ever let go fully on their children. This especially applies to Asian parents, they will never let go even after their children is married and have kids. I am sure glad that my parents are not the typical Asian parents, in fact they can't wait for me to get married and leave the house. I think I might disappoint them in this area. Mummy, daddy! I'm not getting married so soon, most probably in 2 to 3 years time.

  2. I regret not following my passion of dancing after a number of obstacles. I used to dance a lot. I love the limelight, the applause, and I enjoy every movement on my body. Each steps, each moves makes me feel calm and being myself. Slowly, people around me are restricting me from certain moves, steps and forcing me to change my routine. I started to hate dancing and suddenly I just decided to stopped dancing all together. Whenever I was asked, why did you stopped dancing? I will always reply "Oh! I hurt my ankle, that's why." Well, I did hurt my ankle multiple times, but that didn't stopped me but its the comments from those around me. My parents are constantly supporting my dreams but I chose to give in to those who is not supportive of my dreams. Today, I have learned to blocked those who is negative and totally ignored them. Not easy to start but its really easy as you proceed. I am now allowing myself to be at my happiest again.

Of cos there are more regrets, but this 2 regrets are more relatable to most people. I know there are many who encountered the same as I did and I hope you didn't allowed it to affect you. I took years to overcome it. I hope you can overcome it in the shortest time possible.

I will end this post by giving you 3 words. "JUST BE YOU"

Till next post.

With love,

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