Uncertainity of Life - Living in the Now Moment

Today is a very sad day, I don't know how all of this happened but it leaves me and a lot of others shattered.

Exactly 6 months back on 08th August, I was conducting one of my Crystal Healing workshop and I receive a phone call, I never take a call during my sessions so as usual I did not answer the call, the calls would just not stop, so finally I had to answer and there I get to know one of my very close friend had passed away. I did not understand how to react as this was something so unbelievable. I could not believe what I had heard and I just didn't know what to do. I kept down the phone and I started back with the session with a lot of fight in my mind and within 5 minutes I had to end the program. I was saying to myself no this is wrong, how can this happen, how can a person so young and full of life just come to an end within a blink of an eye.

Me and my son we immediately rushed to the hospital, and there I see my friend 34 years old lying down motionless, no breadth in front of us, I felt the whole world was falling apart, there was his family, his young wife only 28 years and 5 months pregnant. I did not know what to tell her and how to give comfort to all of them.

She kept on asking me, why did this have to happen and I absolutely had no words for her or anyone. This was the first time in my life when a death hit me so hard, so so very hard that till date I am not able to get that image out of my sight. I was absolutely feeling so helpless and out of control. When the elders in my family passed away I was still ok, because I knew they had lived their life and they had their time up, but this one, how could something like this happen.

The first 2 months were extremely difficult. Even after finishing all the rituals, I was hoping that he comes alive suddenly out of no where. Some miracle would happen and my friend Jehan will come back to all of us.

He was just 34, so full of life, an excellent Chef. His Cheese cake was one of the most yummy one I ever had and almost every weekend it was one of our homes where all of us used to meet up for drinks and dinner and every time there was something special made by him for us.

On that fateful day he was travelling home from work in a cab, the distance between his workplace and home only of 15 minutes, and it all happened in that time, he collapsed in the cab and within just a couple of minutes left all of us. A loss that will never be replaced.

His wife delivered a baby girl in Dec and still trying to cope up with the loss. I do not have words to console her pain. I am only hoping that time will heal all wounds which seems so difficult as of now. His parents are 70+ everyday living with this trauma.

The day this happened, we were planning to meet up in a day or two, I had landed in the city just a couple of days back and I was feeling little lazy to meet them up and I pushed our plan to meet over the weekend, not knowing that this weekend will never come, and things will never be the same again :-(

Yesterday such a cute thing happened, My friend's baby was in my lap sleeping, who is now one and half month old. I was talking to her "your father has worried me a lot, wait and watch I am gonna worry you now", she was asleep and she suddenly opened her eyes giving me a grin, that was the cutest thing I experienced, and for a moment I felt my friend is around listening to us.

We had a Prayer ceremony for him today and we still feel the same sadness as on day 1, everyone's eyes are wet, We are all hoping for a miracle to happen.

Image Source - Pixabay

With all of this I only keep on thinking, there is nothing certain in life, you never know what happens the next moment. We keep on burying ourselves in such irrelevant things. We keep thinking about future in the bargain of forgetting to live the present. It is good to plan for future, but it makes no sense to live in future.

Life is happening at this very moment, if you miss this now moment you are going to miss a very precious moment, you never know what the next moment has in store for you.

Express your heart's desires out to people you want to. Let your loved ones know in the now moment how much you love them, you never know when it can get too late.

Today also I want to sit and cry and cry and cry for my friend, I wish I could give him that one hug or can spend some last few joyful moments but they will never happen. This emptiness will always stay with us. This day will always bring a lot of pain to us. Our group gatherings will never be the same again. The void of our dear friend will always be there.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

My other blogs

Walk with me - Through the Flower Garden
Tips to a wholehearted Life
A Glimpse of Muscat Festival


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