The little wonders of Life

We all have these little things that brightens us up no matter in whatever mood we are in. There are few things that fascinate me to the core of my being and Rainbow is one of it and the other one is Sunsets. Whenever I have a look at both of these I feel very ecstatic.

This one was very magical. During our trip to one of the garden in the Iran tour, it had just stopped raining and there was a slight spark of the sun, we were getting in to the bus and in my mind I had a flash I wish I can see a rainbow right now, and the very next moment my husband calls me from behind saying, look there is a Rainbow out there. I was so delighted it was like someone hearing my thoughts and replying back to me instantly 😍😍😍

This picture was taken sometime back from my window. A beautiful double rainbow that came so unexpectedly and left me mesmerized.The beauty of this picture is that it never rains in Muscat, we just get some drizzle at times, this was one time when there was a couple of minutes rain and then we get to see this beauty.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

My other blogs of Interest
Magic of Crystals #11- The Legendary Turquoise
The Archaeological site of Takht-e-Soleyman in Iran
Midnight walk by the Seaside
The Power of Morning Rituals

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