Untold Stories of Unsuccessful Persons - Episode # 1

We all read a good outcome stories of people who have worked hard in their lives and eventually got with a good outcome. Now people like me and you move after them, watch movies based on their living, reading their books and even some do one's hardest effort to look like them.

I need to high-light people who have also worked hard in their lives but needing payment to some reasons (bad good, right, happy chance is one of them) did not get a good outcome in their is living. They also have qualities good enough for to be appreciated and high-lighted by us but yes, the earth is cruel. We like, have knowledge of and need to have in mind people who we see on thing by which something is done and motion pictures. I need to put into use for first time normal people to the earth and make clear to them how these people worked hard and why they were not able to get done their has uncontrolled thoughts in sleep!

This is the first event of this number, order, group, line "very great stories of not turning out well persons" and it is about a person whose name is Muhammad Aslam. I had a discussion with him for almost a hour and during this, he told me about the gives an increase and downs in his living. Let's see what he had to say about his own living.

"I was Born in pakpattan a small great town in Pakistan. My father was a farmer and we had several lands where we used to grow and grow crops like seed crushed into meal, rice and so on. My father wanted me to become a "Bara Admi" (way a with a good outcome person with a good mixed bag of goods and good-looking regular payment) so he always asked me to work-place and work hard to get done this end, purpose. He never let me to work with him on his lands as he wanted me to use up time on my observation work.

So I worked hard and as soon as I completed my degree 10, my father's land was made prisoner by some readily seen people who were in the government at that time. He keep records a Case against them but that was the biggest error he made in his living. He was put to death the very next day and we were then forced to let go of pakpattan and moved to Lahore.

We were Total 8 siblings 1 and I was the elder one, so coming to a new great town with no keep safe to full of force was like a causing fear for my family. We all (me, my mother and my siblings 1) slept on streets for almost one month till I was got use of person for money as a worker in a nearby building company. Though the money was not enough to food all the members but it made come into existence a hope that things will get more good. My mother also found a mixed bag of goods in a great-sized house and given out there as a girl in service.

Time kept going and I wanted to do something other, I was tired and looked for Jobs. My map was to get a mixed bag of goods as a look-out and then go on my studies as well, yes, I still wanted to become a "Bara Admi". I sent in name for in several companies, both in private and public part but always put back (not desired). In the government part, I could have gotten a mixed bag of goods if I had Rs 2 50,000. In our public part, officers used to take get to do something to get use of person for money a person, even at the look-out level, so I had no money to give them as a get to do something and continued my work as a worker.

meanwhile, I decided to marry with a girl named Shabana, she was also living in the same very poor part where we had been living for five years. After marrying her, I came to have knowledge of that all the efforts I wanted to get a good living may be given to destruction as my expenses increased. After 5 years, we had 3 children and expenses increased at a greater way of walking, running, so it was the time to do something other.

I had some amount made less, so I decided to do my own business, I might get full of money one day if I put the same hard work on my business, I was the reason for myself. So I bought a wheel-cart and started trading for money plants used for food. My good, right, happy chance was not there as well, it was hard to trade for money plants used for food to people here in Pakistan, they do not need to use up and give money for from people who trade for money items on wheel-cart, they Bargain 3 even for an one thing on a list that costs Rs 2 10 to them and question me to give the same for Rs 2 5.

Time passed quickly and I have now 3 boys and girls. one is in degree 12, the other is in 5 and one little 2 years old daughter. We moved from very poor part to a slow in development part and used through payment a house. Though I am still attempting to get free and have knowledge of that I was not able to put into effect my father's specially pleasing thought but that was not my fault 4, my circumstances did not let me to do so. Now I need my 2 sons to get good education and become "Bara Admi". I now work 14 hours a day to have meeting with their education expenses and I will do whatever they need in order to get done their father's end, purpose!"

Resteem if you Like his Story!


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